Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Guilded Ass: A Guide

 If one is to come to achieve any sense of enlightenment, it must surely be through recognizing that in China & Russa, the communist emperor wears no clothes.  How can the publik, politically or culturally, deal with having a communist dictator like Putin?  Even our own media is spinning it that it is the communist dissidents standing up to Putin.  As If!!!!!!!


there a are million ways to justify the Guilded Ass that Putin is,

but he is one thing, that will never win: COMMUNIST

For years, the left, who doesn't, get the commie problem, has made apologetics about Soviet Russia being "Post-USSR",

but to me this proves the guilded ass is really Biden, with his calf worshipping D.E.M. affiliates.

The emperor is naked as can be.

So let's all stand up for what is right,

the fact that the Constitution of the U.S.A. is every citizen of the world's right....

They don't want any downward control,

they want respect for the sanctity of their families!  This can only be provided by Enumerated rights like our Bill of Rights, D.O.I. & Constitution.

Let's support our friends in Kyiv,

and our friends in Afghanistan too!  It's not easy living in a downward facing Dog's communist totalitarian gov'ment or land as such...  These people crave freedom - I say, Long Haul?...

Let's bring it to 'em!

Brendan O'Connell

International Democracy United 2023


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