Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Heroism in Houston: How Citizens Unite and Bring Democracy to Those in Need

Democracy, viewed in the light of academe at least, seems a very ethereal, almost philosophically removed concept in some sense.

But my foundation is called, Domestic Democracy United- so I have to say:

What we saw in Houston, TX and surrounding areas was truly an example of how ordinary everyday Americans create democracy through heroism, courage and little human grit.

Democracy is not some far off idea;
Democracy is citizens uniting to help one another with little or no heed of themselves.

We "create" a space for democracy!
And that is precisely what the citizens of Texas have done in joining together to save the lives of their compatriots after the devastatingly violent Hurricane Harvey.

Citizens banded together to rescue anyone they could.
They united around brotherly love and the Christian virtue of "love thy neighbor as thyself".

It's a story that bears telling...

When disaster strikes,
Mankinds affinity for cooperation and unification upon core principles comes, heroically, to the fore.  Men and women, risking their lives in murky water and storm conditions, have joined forces in Texas and are saving lives and trying to help in any way they can.  It's truly through this type of "activism" that patriots do good things for their fellow brethren and sistren in Christ.

The amount of courage amongst those helping to save lives in Houston is truly uncanny to the ultimate degree...
Stories of everyday citizens seeing someone trapped in the flood waters and risking their lives to rescue them.  Stories of journalists on the scene helping people trapped in their cars, all during a downpour from the worst Hurricane in recent memory- Hurricane Harvey.

These true stories of Heroism and Courage are the concrete facticity of the philosophy of Democracy;

and I urge anyone reading this to at least say a little prayer for the friends and families of the victims of Hurricane Harvey...


It'll do waaaaay more good than donating to the Red Cross.

They need manna right now...

They need your prayers.

RT 2017
Domestic Democracy United

Monday, August 21, 2017

On Hegel's Infamous "Dialectic"

I've researched Hegel a fair amount online as I was reading his phenomenology a while back and as an IDM composer I noticed something rather interesting.
Every one of them, the talking head "experts", got Hegel's "Dialectic" %100 absolutely, unequivocally, objectively wrong.  Incorrect.

They spew this misbegotten oxen-like interpretation (misinformation) to anyone curious about G.W.F. Hegel, the most influential philosophe since Aristotle.

But I'm referring to this a little too singularly.

They actually misinterpret Hegel in a wonderful variety of ways; like a *R-WORD*ed double rainbow of ignorance.

This may seem a bold claim,
as these oxen often have tenure at prestigious universities!

But let's recall,
I said as an IDM composer I think I understand the genesis of fine art far more than academic oxen- and if you can't see the poetic aspects of Hegel's dialectic I'm afraid you just don't get it.

Recall, if you will, the various memes and contrite analysis you may have heard about Hegel's infamous "Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis" formula...

Now try, as hard as you can, to remember that what you heard or saw was - de facto - incorrect.

I assure you,
The only way to understand Hegel's dialectic is by way of Derrida's notion of "Authorship".

Hegel's trinity dialectic was merely the systematization of his "Authorship".

If Hegel at all interests you and you would like to understand him better than the academic oxen, see his "Phenomenology of Spirit":


Read it cover to cover...
You too can understand Hegel's philosophy!!!

Comes highly recommended.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


I'm glad you're turning to my latest entry on politalk, the leading alt-right blog for all those 'in the know'.
I hope you are well.

I have a true story,
A story that is - in the truest sense of the word - gonzo journalism...

"Last week I went to court, the domain of law and order-as-such, and sat patiently while I awaited the arrival of my Samoan lawyer.  He was running a bit late, so I simply watched the red tape and due course of law act out - like a Shakespearean passion play - in front of my very eyes.  A poor white lady in one of those cheesy wolf T-Shirts having her speeding ticket and court fee's dismissed because she was poor.  A latin-american with tats running down his arm being ordered to wear an alcohol monitoring device on his body for driving so drunk that he was ordered by law to not touch liquor.  A young black man who had done something so criminal that the judge simply had him arrested right there in the courtroom...
Standard everyday stuff for the free world police, so to speak.
Then, out of no where, I came to my first ever confrontation with pure raw undiluted evil...
The officers in the court brought out a young tough looking ethnic immigrant in handcuffs and striped orange jumpsuit.  I think, 'Ok, another guy on some trumped up charges who couldn't get their mommy and daddy to cover bail."- right?
But then, they start reading out the charges...
"Possession of alcohol at a national park."
She says...
"Drunk and disorderly conduct."
No big whoop.
"Resisting arrest."
uh oh...
And then she said it...
and the air in the room was sucked out by some heavenly vacuum.

"Aggravated sexual assault on a female."

I saw red...
Then, as if I weren't already existentially just, like - REALLY pissed, the judge said,
"Will the witness please stand?"

I crane my neck around and there I see the most darling southern peach you could possibly imagine.  Styled curls in her hair and modestly dressed, she described how the man came to her campsite, drunk, in our local lake getaway Jordan Lake and tried to rape her.
Her mother sat by her side, stonefaced and somber.

My conscience started racing violently and in an extreme state of anger and vengance.
I couldn't...

'Concentrate on your breathing...'
I said.

'Keep calm...'
I thought.

It didn't help.
All I could see was a vision of me saying 'fuck it' and running past the law enforcement officers and DA huddled at the front of the court and just snuffing the poor sod out for good.

I didn't.
As I walked out of the courtroom for some of that oxygen that got sucked out a moment prior I just thought to myself casually,
"I want to strangle that motherfucker."

I gazed at the large Greek columns of the courthouse through this window, staring at the magnanimous puffy white clouds soaring over the confed'rate monument in the distance and just...
...went to my happy place.

Entering the courtroom again I knew I could handle the rage, but the...

I gazed towards the victim still in the room and cracked up a little.
Holding back tears out of christian empathy I was about to see red again when just then;


The door swung violently shut and in walks my Samoan lawyer.  I look towards him but he doesn't notice at all.  He strides up to the front of the courtroom loudly and starts arguing furiously with the DA.  Taking out a piece of paper from his briefcase, he waves his hand in the air in a 'gonzo power' fist and slams the document on the table.


Then the DA whispers in his ear.

"Uhn huh...  yeah... yeah... uhn huh yeah.. OK."
I hear my lawyer say in this Samoan accent of his.

He shakes the DA's hand, closes his brief case and starts walking down the aisle towards me.

Thumbs up.

Outside he says,
"You're free to go.  Marijuana possession under a half ounce is practically legal, so the judge waived the case considering your mental condition."

We shake hands and I leave, without even having to testify before the judge.

That's the law,
a desperate and violent world of law keepers and law breakers who all just want to go home and watch 'Dancing With the Stars'.

The End"

In summation let's just connect the dots quite easily:

~Trump says illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers
~Media says trump is xenophobic (at best)
~Trump gets elected
~I see an actual illegal immigrant who sexually assaulted a woman

ergo ipso

"Trump was right"

DDU 2017

Friday, August 18, 2017

What You Need to Know About Race: On "Racial Threat"

During these exacerbated racially tense times, with all eyes on the terrorist alt-right, we need to remember a little bit of - and yes I'm terribly gouache to take it here - psycho-sociological theory.

The little term "Racial Threat".

No, I don't mean a threat directed against a person of different racial orientation as you might suppose...
Racial threat is a term used to signify when a person, through stigmatization, prejudicial behavior and plain ole' ignorance, views a white as being quote "racist" without that judgement authentically reflecting on the subjects real beliefs and morals.

Or... "reverse racism" (the much maligned term)

Honestly, they should be teaching this to high schoolers!

But let's digress for a moment, as I hate this kind of coffee table pop theory...

Let's allow my good friend and fellow politalk blogger RT Stillwell tell a little story about the real way southerners view the KKK:

"Back in the 1920's here in Chatham Country (where I'm from) the KKK was the law.  They did what they wanted, and most of the times the police looked the other way...  they had an... understanding.
That is, we - the KKK - hang the african-americans who commit crimes we deem death worthy and you - that is - the police look the other way.
That was mainstream culture back then and it had a way of working in some sense...
Many blacks who were hanged by the KKK were relatively newly emancipated slaves with little education.  Due to their savage nature at the time, many of them did - in fact - murder or rape white women.
But this is beside the point...
This understanding came to a major culture shifting (around here) halt after one incident that you may be want to find in the mainstream retelling of the sordid history of southern violence.
One day, the KKK rallied around that courthouse right downtown (you can visit it at the center of pittsboro North Caroline [GO HEELS]), and they decided to "string up a niggra".
The law enforcement officers that night decided not to look the other way, and tried to put a stop to the mob violence...
These KKK thugs killed two white police officers who where standing in their way!
Ever since then, at least in Chatham County, North Carolina- around 80 percent of average pick up driving rednecks (so called "rednecks") absolutely HATE the KKK and everything they did and standfore!
The End.

So with this bit of american history (X), we can ascertain that the anti-fascist domestic terrorists are simply ignorant, hateful wanna be punks with no understanding of or education in the social sciences like us.

In summation,

"Come on.  Admit it.  You like cowboys don't you"
DDU 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017

On the Violence in Charelottesville VA.

I was shocked when I attended church this morning to hear my pastor describe that there had been some kind of incident in Virginia yesterday involving protesters and counter-protesters...
I hadn't heard anything about it until this morning's service, and all I have to say is:

"Hell yeah!"

Not in support of the man who drove a car through the crowd of anti-fascists; as this is - as per murder - obviously morally unethical (though as a punk rocker somewhat humorous)...
But to see the alt-right out in force, armed to the teeth and dressed in military garb fighting the whacko leftist counter-protesters (who btw greatly outnumbered the protesters standing up against the removal of a confederate memorial) was not only - to be frank - exciting to see, but shows just how passionate many across this country are about nationalism!

All you hear on the news is "domestic terrorism" this and "nazi/kkk" that, yet I think this ignores the largest constituency of the alt-right movement which is, by and large, 'nationalists'...

And I can say, as someone who devotes himself daily to the constitution, that would they attempt to take down the North facing Confederate statue in my hometown I would definitely be downtown protesting the removal of our rightful heritage as Southerners.  Does that make me a domestic terrorist?

Unfortunately for those who would gladly execute me by hanging for what I believe as a conservative Tea Party leader, the answer is no, for we now have the most radical tea party POTUS the world has ever known in charge of DHS and other security apparatus'.

So all of the "White supremacists are domestic terrorists" rhetoric in the lamestream media is futile; as anyone reasonable knows:

The only domestic terrorists in Charelottesville were the unequivocally violent anti-fascist protesters, who really - as children often tell their parents when they get in a fight - 'started it'.

I mean, let's face facts:
The KKK, Neo-Nazi and Nationalist protesters were merely exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of assembly...
Then, so offended that someone would stick up for the heritage of the south, the anti-fascists incited violence, in crowds ultimately far far larger than the white power protesters!

I'm glad our POTUS said he condemned the hatred on BOTH sides (a statement the lamestream media is balking at ad infinitum at the moment), and support the President even more now than ever!

I have to say, however, that I - being ahead of the veritable curve on public opin' - am slightly creeped out by the fact that I urged my readers to commit violence against "commies" only earlier this week and then...  BOOM... it happened.
It's slightly odd, but I suppose when one keeps one's finger on the pulse of what is really just mainstream American zeitgeist, it's bound to turn out this way.

All these protesters wanted was a Confederate statue to not be removed because of ratcheted up politically correct reactionary leftist policy, and yet the anti-fascists- who I've described previously in my blog as being violently anti-republican - couldn't just let these conservative alt-right activists at least make their voices known...

It's a dire shame.

So in summation, I would just like to say to any and all of my white supremacist readers, I may not be like you at all (I dress in all black with a biker's jacket), if they ever try to take down the Confederate memorial in my hometown of Pittsboro NC?
I will stand side by side and fight the anti-fascists tooth and nail along side you!

Thanks and lets all pray for peace and healing now that this little protest has come to a decisive conclusion.
Their voices were heard, I suppose...

Domestic Democracy United 2017