Thursday, April 6, 2023

Riots Coming in TN., Elsewhere as Demonstrators Parade Pro-Trans Flags Today in TN. Legislature

 Demonstrators caused chaos at the Tennessee State Capitol again on Thursday in protest of a vote to remove three lawmakers who broke House rules last week when they disrupted proceedings for nearly an hour with anti-gun protesters.

The three lawmakers facing expulsion – Reps. Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson – are accused of engaging in “disorderly behavior” and intentionally bringing “disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives.”

- this just in on the military wire.

I saw some of the videos, and they were sick, these brainwashed leftists parading around like that!  The Tennesseans in Nashville politely asked, "Please no anti-gun rallies or whatever while our community is going through this process of healing."


the first thing they did was parade their constituents around, spitting in the face of the Presbyterians who lost their lives in Nashville, including a bunch of drunken Drag Queens, all hopped up on God knows what, through the State Legislature.

It's outrageous!

I mean,

there are appropriate times for certain kinds of protests, and other times where one should know one's place, k?

I mean,

this has gotta be a George Soros funding Alinskyite attack on everything we hold dear, pure gadflyism with the D.E.M. whore monger Hoardes acting like children, and doing the most freakish acts of civil disobedience.

What exactly do the protesters want?

I don't even think they know,

but this disturbing protest in TN. is typical of liberalism run amok.  It's absolutely disgusting, and inherently indicative that these whiny do nothing ne'er good ders in BLM have no jobs, nothing going for them viably sexually, and have nothing better to do than desecrate the Graves of the Nashville dead...

A sad day for what used to be civilized discourse!

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