Tuesday, December 21, 2021

look, I'm just sayin', the FUUUUCKCKCKCKCKC


I'm just Sayin',

Vaccine Passports?!?!?!

DO you EVEN realize how musicians who actually perform like me suffer from that bull-mess?

bull miffin bull mess!!!


I mean how long has it been since any of us has actually enjoyed a festibration?  Why not?  When we can spend thousands on ondemand t.v. when we can just grope for meaning in our little meaningless bubble/hovels...  and the best we can do is procreate, with another sycophant?


Why die?

Why die today?

I'll tell you why,

because to be born again you must die,

you must lay/lie down,

and die - and that's all that will save you - the blood of brendan

Why collapse and feign enlightenment,

when you can come to god through the one true second coming of christ,

me - brendan

For yea - aS it is for you, so was it already before for me, brendan - so therefore, eat of my piss, and drink of my feces - for yay, as it was shall being in the present-past the future has come,
and it's my dick in yr mouth!

in sanctomium, erso ipso de ergo for philibonersuck 

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