Monday, December 13, 2021

Christ Was Born, So We're Forgiven

 On this day, in this foul year of our Lord 2021, we look to the birth of Jesus Christ as an indicator of public opine' and dialectic through the discourse of everyday Dasein.  for yae - Christ was Born.

In December,

not only are we endowed through the Birth of Jesus Christ with Hope,

but we also can appreciate somewhat in some way the power of a woman's influence.  Women through out the world today are fighting for righteousness, independence and Loyalty through Geist to Christ.  The hand that rocks the cradle -


Also I can appreciate the degree to which Mary & Joseph gave birth to Jesus Christ in, what amounts to, a barn - or in an rural environment.  It was in the middle of the night, as the shepherds would have been the only ones up that late to see the Guiding Star.

and further,

it may have been an expedition that involved a lot of walking - not to mention a lot of Civic community participation...

But one thing I'll say, divided if you will from the realities of life on earth before electricity, before cars and airplanes, before the internet even, which is this:

"Christ really did exist."

He was born, according to my traditions, on the 25th of December.

You know it's funny...

I live not but two doors down from an 7th Day Adventist church - and wouldn't you know it, they might not be as excited about the Christmas decorations and holiday cheerfulness as many of us are...  but in a way, they're right!

I mean,

How do we know it was exactly 2021 years ago to the dot that these, actual historical, events transpired?  
Is it even important?

I mean,

no author of a book can even come close to the intelligence of a Creator,

and the service that Christ rendered to, yae - all of human kind was begat on this day,

yet a way was made,

for all who had transgressed against Moses,

that intercession may be made between the sinner and Jehova, or Hosana on High.

that intercession was the Christ,

and he can mediate for us in troubled times.  Christ can help one with no knowledge of Gottt, as I had, come to understand Hosana through HIM.  

So as we celebrate the holiday, Kwanza, Chanuka, Christmas, and whatever the hell else people party to these days, here is my XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX MAS ALBUM - Please play and d/l as it doesnt, how shall I say this, doesn't get the promotion it deserves... ▶︎ Christmas Sucks | Emo Headache | Minos Battery Recordings (

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