Friday, December 16, 2022

Day 1 - "Tracking the Madness"

 I can hope, perhaps to the detriment of others (and myself), that my lack of willingness to collaborate with social communism is + was worth while...

But how can I believe that, when I am safe and my friends overseas aren't?  Are my principled stances, this blog + radical compositions somehow bringing the wrath of totalitarian dictatorships down on any poor soul who has engaged with my online digital content?  It seems likely, and it's a shame I bear on my shoulders today.  I imagine, what a foreign power could do to someone detected in being complicit with even this blog?  I shudder in angst and wretch in Nausea to even cognitively put myself in their shoes.  Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit...

Merely echoing my paranoia and narcissistically self aggrandizing my own role in politic...

However, we irrevocably touch and impact those we connect with in the world, and even the World Wide Web.  I never lose, not really...  To all of my regular world wide audience- I write these words under lock + key, knowing that I was endowed by our founders with rights that are under threat, and am curiously suspicious of American communist collaborators.

I feel, in my own right-mindedness, that DDU (Domestic Democracy United '22) as such has been trodden down by the mass Democrat Establishment Machine (D.E.M.) movement to silence public dissent such as my own in - as I called it on my blog - a third time within recent months.  Despite the fact that I've lost it all through sheer happenstance, I would say that I do - in fact - feel as akin to an innocent victim of terrorism instituted by a globalist power.


It seems as though across the globe we are being assaulted and terrorized by elite foreign powers; often without our consent and an unwitting knowledge thereof.  How could this have happened to my country, my town, my family and our schools?  I suspect foreign domination...

The elite pseudo-elder gluttonous + spoiled generations of middle class pigs seem stupidly unaware of what is going on right now just under their swine noses.  In Orwell's apocryphal "Animal Farm", we see that in revolt, by having a successful revolution we ultimately become - inevitably - everything we fought for & against, and transform into it. Why?

Because of the virtue of historicity and it's revolutionary forgetfulness.

I won't blink in the face of terror!!!

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