Saturday, December 30, 2023

Communist Russia Sends Fleet of Drones at Ukraine, 30 Dead

 I woke up the night of this massive drone attack on our Ukrainian friends on the Eastern Front early in the morning, around the time of the attack breaking in the news.  I had this inexplicable sensation of existentiell Nausea.  It was as if, my own body couldn't sleep through a tragedy like this.  I felt awful.

Then I flipped on the Telly and understood.

the night previous,

a swarm of Drones from that bitch Mother Russia had been sent in the hundreds to attack Ukraine.

Now I released a Clip & Carbine reggae remix track with a fellow who lives in Kyiv,

and one thing he explained to me in our correspondence was that it's relatively normal during the day (minus the bombed out buildings), but-

at night?

It is sheer terror.

See one thing many don't understand about the Russian attacks on Ukraine, is the drones almost exclusively are deployed in the middle of the night.

And according my source in Kyiv,




I mean can you imagine saying goodnight to your kids after tucking them into bed,

and trying to get some rest while KNOWING that the Shaheeds could strike you dead in your sleep?

This attack on Ukraine,

in which 30 people died,

is unpardonable.

And to be frank,

as this story breaks in the news,

I think it is a big wake up call to the world that there has been a revolution in warfare,

and it's called a drone.


i hate the very idea.

Remember when war was about honor?

Two opposing armies would stand shoulder to shoulder on opposite sides of a battlefield, and simply shoot until one side had killed all the other side's soldiers,


Battle won.

Now it's so stratified by technology,

we've been fractured!

No battle lines to draw!?!??!!?

This is terrible,

I cannot stand these goddamnd Drones and what they do to people, even when we on the USA side of things use them, honestly.

but these Communist Russian Authoritarian war-mongers deserve some backlash for this attack.

I hope somehow with our Funding for the Ukraine being passed,

we can make that happen someday.


R.I.P. to the Ukraine 30.


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