Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Stockholm Syndrome In War 24

 I'm completely lost without you IESUS HOMINUM SALVATORE. I swear that somehow out there in the world the spirit or mind of the times will create the word of God. The word of God will be made manifest in THE young new lights. It is as an everlasting quality of life, like a flagellar motor, a mustard plant in a cupboard. Jesus Christ always leads us toward the light. We propel ourselves toward God perhaps in some sadistic sense because we wish to be God himself. Whether we were created in his image or not, although I can certainly see A CREATOR, we know that the word of God proclaim as such that we were created in God's image and God owns us and is our master. We cannot proclaim ourselves to be more powerful than God. Yet human logic rebels against the idea of a creator, of a lord and savior. We know that in our land we are held hostage by our conviction in sin. We are held hostage by our conformity and lemming like obedience doing as others do rather than doing as we would have others do to us. We'll never give up it's no use. If the USA is f***** up you're to blame! Everything has fallen to pieces! Everything is falling to pieces! Everything has..  

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