Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 We have seen the slow degeneration of our culture exceed maximum speeds. We've seen our humankind turned into animal kind, and even with the exceptionally LGTB impulse toward beastiality with domesticated pets. We have been lied to for so long that the favorite lie we love to worship, is an item that is so cheaply made you would not believe... Ma Bell and the ill communications are usurping our Southern tradition as Southern gentleman and Southern gentle women. I am for the party no matter what that communicates with the explicitivity that philosophy in our country the United States of America deserves. The more the big lie continues the more subjected to non-explicit English words sentences in paragraphs, the degeneracy and degeneration of our nation. I truly believe that if one wants to recall the easiest refutable philosophy, or ideology, you'd have a golden ackjass...

Bull mess...

 Confederates understand war, and to see our Confederate soldiers disrespected, is only Liberty in the respect that Liberty means a kind of permissiveness and I would say Liberty should be known to be a word that is used to address the dark One. 

Satan is referred to as God of Liberty, osmodeus, Abaddon, etc.

So let's not fight for liberty because Liberty means permissiveness, let's fight for tradition, the old time religion. Open air preachers such as our favorites online in westboro Baptist counterculture, know that the Marine corps is more than a bunch of faggots.

So you can have Liberty in Forty Liberty.

I say let's bring back tradition to the Confederate soil that so much blood was shed for. We're going from librarian English to monkey and rat and mouse in a mouse trap type of animalism, and it's ruining our nation our culture our heredity are tradition.

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