Sunday, July 28, 2024

An Historical Era of Conservatism

 Out of the blue, Trump was almost brutally murdered by an assassin's bullet at that rally in Pennsylvania.  I need not dilly dally about rhetorically.  We came so close to having lawlessness turn the tide on American history.  It's absolutely uncanny!

The whole of America, and the world, was watching.  It seems to this commentator that this nearly became a tragedy of historical proportions.  Why?  Well let's look into the bizzaro universe where the sniper who attempted to take Trump's life succeeded.  What would that world look like?  People on the radical left, much as with Rush Limbaugh's passing, would likely have cheered and celebrated his demise.  

That's because without God, Americans are reduced to classless barbarity...  Why?

Well American culture has gone adrift.

We've lost the moral compass that held the irrationality of the American public at bay, and the only recompense for our debt to the Order is through individual volition.  Yet how autonomous are we?

Seething masses of sinners, too arrogant to beg God to forgive them, are the proof that the irrational mind of Post Deconstructuralist American zeitgeist has corrupted our Nation...  we've degenerated into an Animal House!!!

We have, as a watered down contemporary USA, gone so far into the depths of Evil, that it can only be by the grace of God we find redemption...

That redemption is the grace of God, enacted through the calvinistic fate of Masters of the Universe.  We need to repent of our hubris.  We must make right the unholy hive-mind of the US.  We must choose tradition, rather than the perverted permissiveness of progressive ideology.

It was said by WFB JR, that the left has ideology, the right has philosophy... 

Choose to embrace the great traditions our forefathers fought to keep alive, and abandon your sinful irrationality.

Vote Trump/Vance

Domestic Democracy United 2024

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