Wednesday, July 10, 2024

hannity live

 51 former intell officials letter that will lighter the country when they do nothing about hunter's laptop we have no idea if if you don't know reasonable prosecutor will prosecute comes back up again yeah we just don't know I did like the Georgie stephanopolis poor Georgie couldn't have he shouldn't have commented on President biden's ability to serve a second term why not because nothing but a liberal hack on ABC saying that you know look like Jake tapper ripped off a hannity montage because he actually was showing the truth about fighting events New York the White House presser and you know he he asked the question all right what happens if the call comes in after 8:00 p.m. remember the 3:00 a.m. Israel campus protesters this is the same comma Harris that back the Bell fund that helped incarcerate the man now charged with murder go free and bailed out and arrested again and these charities p all the lies about Trump and Russia you know all the lies about you know or they're mostly peaceful protests in the summer of 2020 or anything but some of my favorite pictures still picturesby the way Duke medical School is claiming timeliness individualism if you believe in that is part of the white supremacy culture p what part of murder rate kidnapping The heading does Georgie and his wife Hollywood elitist that they are losers...

Talk 2 text from hannity conservo victory

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