Thursday, July 18, 2024

On the Historicity of Republicanism in 24 all my regular readers I apologize. I didn't mean to lay the blame for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump so succinctly and distinctly on the Yankee mindset. Although to me it's clear as day what I was trying to get at, which is merely this. Below the Mason-Dixon line, the indigenous majority Christian faith is in Evangelical Christianity. Above the Mason-Dixon, Evangelical belief is in the minority, at least in my opinion. I believe that Evangelical faith can heal our nation. But when people as a state or as a region disavow themselves of our Evangelical christianity, and all of its traditions, I'd say that leads to a certain type of political theological toxicity. Although that's not really what I'd like to talk about today. What I'd like to say is for the record in this weird world wide web era of Earth. In my opinion history is never lived in the past. We are historical in every moment. Even the future will become historical at some point. But the history of our nation was changed irrevocably when Trump survived an intended assassination. It seems so close to home for me, yet so far away. To think that our presidential hero, Donald j Trump, came within an inch of dying, is certainly something to be looked at historically. Some say if Trump had merely sneezed, he would be a deadman right now, and if he had merely sneezed the left wing radicals would have had their way and would have laughed their way all the way up to the election. If Trump had merely sneezed, our entire history would be different. You know I dropped out of high school my sophomore year because I had skepticism about my history classes. To me they were talking about historical events as if they were in isolation. But in fact all history is, one could say, a process or movement if you will that is directly tied to people's values. When something like this happened, it's not in a theological philosophical vacuum. All history is essentially moral. So when I look at history and I see it being presented in a quasi nonmoral manner, I stand before history shouting no. If Trump had merely sneezed, the Communists would have had their way. But God had a plan. They said that Trump deserved to die, but God had other plans. If Trump had merely sneezed history would not be what it is today. Or for a long time in the future. A lot of the democratic cabal and even some Republicans who should learn to take the message and ethics of their political party a little bit more seriously, seem to be swayed into a kind of apathy regarding just how monumental what is occurring now in world history truly is. I wish that they would wake up. I wish that they would understand just how deep reality gets whether it's perception or through media. So I hope everybody out there wakes up and understands that if Trump had merely sneezed...


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