Friday, July 19, 2024

All right joke for a new coffee table book...

 So I got this new idea for like a coffee table book that you can sell at Barnes and Noble right? 

It's a 



book brought to you by gutenburg incorporsted or whoever does branding, I do the content and it'd be called ",,,Broetry" and it will be the source of all of our revenue in the post-kitsch coffee table book which etherealizes the depth and profundity of your average bro. So like you have a bro with a picture of him wearing bro glasses, and like just hanging out and talking with his family and then beneath the photo you would have a broem!

So you can have like a guy if you like all like muscular like when I choose on my VT I'm going to VD cuz I like GD mother f****** GMC broetry

I'm saying today's pretty good for The USA, I would say the population is pulling ahead, but what falling in a Christly sense, or in a year of filled with turmoil but yet full of philosophy...

 I don't know who I am do you know who I am I guess that is green eggs and ham but it really isn't so I guess we can conclude with this as we started you can finish it! 


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