Friday, July 12, 2024

On the Existential Threat Facing our Country

 A lot of talk is made about quote existential threats on the left wing considering technically, although often times not in practice, the left wing has better understanding in the domain of intellectualism when it comes to philosophy. Existentialism clearly, through A scanner darkly, is a form of Continental traditional philosophy. So I'm going on at Great length how the left wing liberals really seem to not care about intellectualism enough to dig deep. Dig deep through the standards of philosophy. Dig deep through Socrates and Aristotle and the sophists, and the philosophers who have come since. My understanding of the quote existential threat end quote is that in fact the existential threat is masses of people who consider themselves to be intellectual existentialists yet never take responsibility to the point of fighting back. The existential threat is so near, we have to ask ourselves what is existentialism? Jean Paul Sartre's lover wrote about it at a great length. Jean-Paul Sartre's lover wrote about how difficult and nebulous it can be to define existentialism, though she was constantly asked as such about the definition. She replied that existentialism as such takes so much more inquiry and deep digging and deep diving into the standards of Continental philosophy that in fact there is no definition that she could put in less than two or three paragraphs, and could clearly go on ad libbing her view a lot longer than that. We all know from Bob Solomon may he rest in peace, that existentialism has to do with coming to an understanding of your own place in the universe as some kind of mattering. No pun intended when it comes to matter as such which is what we call the physical reality but rather acknowledging that, while yes, there are over 6 billion people in the world and counting that you really do matter within such a large framed godly created context. What you do matters. And that's where the idea of existential philosophy really gets its biggest benefit, which is essentially optimism, and nobody can take that away ever. Existentialism itself is an existential threat when you look at where it came from, but to me the study and science of existence is what is meant by existentialism. And the only way to study existence as such other than the scientific method is through what? Through phenomenology. Phenomenology is the idea of studying your everyday perceptions through a kind of reflective transcendental process. The techniques of phenomenology have often times been overlooked but it's a fairly imaginative almost soulful act to partake philosophically in the phenomenological method. But what I know from that is that ultimately when we understand that we are one individual in a world of billions of humans, we're not to take solace in our own insignificance in any sort of Eastern Oriental way in my opinion, but we're to apprehend & understand that within such a mass populace, we're still individuals with the right to change the world. And in that we can only change the world a single person by single person, and never on Mass because if we forget the forest for the trees or we can't see the trees because we love how beautiful nature is, without phenomenologically reducing it to its basic elements of the natural plane, then we're doomed to forever live in a pit of Socratic darkness! Let's bring existentialism into the post deconstructuralist age! Let's say my life matters and every life matters! Let's say yes to life and no to malarkey. Let's say we will win this we are going to succeed when it comes to the spiritual realm of warfare. Let's all come to the Grimm realization that death is our almost potentiality for being in the world which is to say, take responsibility today, because at some point it will be too late to pray, let alone read the classics of Continental philosophy. 

Rt stillwell

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