Friday, November 3, 2023

Beyond the Speed of Light, Past the Time & Space Dichotomy

The "Time & Space Dichotomy" is only understood in a basic way according to our current laws of physics, in fact -time travel may already exist... the future.


We're all told that the speed of light is the fastest speed known in the universe.  However, much like the assumption of the underlying necessity of all life as "Carbon" as such, I think it may be likely that there are things about the universe our current academe doesn't adequately understand.  the Airforce whistleblower at the Congressional Oversight UAP hearings seemed fairly wide eyed testifying, yet knowing, about "Inter-dimensional Creatures".  In fact, what that man knows,

can only be told in a skiff boat veteran's badge of honor!


the question remains...

Does "Time Travel" exist?

Seems impossible...  however,

I had a theory I was kicking around a while back that went something like this:

"If human kind advances technologically without total annihilation over the next thousand years, wars aside, wouldn't it be inevitable that if tech progresses at the pace it has been- that we would see time travel within 1000 years of Technological progress?"

Or as my Great Uncle once said (he's an astrophysicist),

what if the universe were like a bowl, with little balls all careening back and forth from the gravity at the base...  

What if "Time & Space" are only part of the equation,

and there are beings in other galaxies,

inter-dimensional beings,

existing concurrently -being alongside- humankind!

The ramifications would be phenomenal...

We could essentially be inspirited by extraterrestrials!  Or time travelers!

With that, my best Phenomenology:

Being alongside the world is the existent facticity intrinsic within the transcendental 'feeling' that makes up what it means to 'be-there'.  To 'be there' is basic.  It is something we can all analyze, and simply try to better understand the world by apprehension of the ready-at-handedness of our own selfhood within the State.  Ready-to-Hand tools are both made and make into earthen forms the creation of our comported coping with a totality-of-tools.  

The tool itself is always presence as we facilitate it with our faculties.  Tools are discernible phenomenologically by way of sight, sound through force, and measurements in a laboratory setting.  That was Freud's Great Insight...

He merely took Philosophy,

and applied it to studying young people in a Laboratory setting...

On stimulants,

no doubt!!!

So what is common sense, when it comes to a Totality of Tools?

The mere ready to hand Presence-at-Handedness of the engagement.  The grip.  The view.  The coping alongside an engaged work-always.  The quality of the intrusion of our Ready-at-Hand handiness alongside the Pure Presence-at-Hand of the apprehension within a World, external to our Being. 

Tool and being are separate,

yet 'being-there' (dasein) is always a being-towards-which we find ourselves already coming to a Horizon upon which to engage upon a ready-at-handedness, the pure-presence-at-hand of the Totality-of-Tools.  The sum of the parts is always less than the primordial handedness of coping with being in the world as such, external and private -public and transparent.

Why should our ready-to-hand passionate engagement with dasein have the character of everyday alienating being toward our own ultimate potentiality for being...

That is,


Being toward Death as an engagement with the world as such, and as such taking stock of the infinite and the finiteness of Tools in a specifically stratified sense.  The totality of tools is eternal, as a totality always outstays the individual.


This is not to cast dismay on Individuals as such (individualism etc.),

but merely to attempt to get at the eternal bliss of Heaven...

Through that which created the Universe.


Christ Jesus DDU23

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