Friday, May 5, 2023


 So yeah, I've got a great omen of Good News for anyone out there.  I thought my new Uber-Hot tot Girlfriend broke up with me for about a week until I realized she was just slammed with her work schedule, and I think she may have been feeling the same way about me!  I'm not sure exactly, but it was like we both loved each other so much, that Satan intervened and made us not Trust each other, or sommet.

It's a very new relationship,

but she's literally the first Repub woman I've ever dated (apart from one of my ex's who went from Democrat to registered republican on my advice).  She's great.  She's just sooooooooo dreamy.  I'd post up a pic, but I don't want to include too much personal detail on what is a globally transparent site, but I honestly - until about 8 hours ago - thought she had broken up with me.

I texted her,

And I was all leik,

"Do you want to break up?"

And she said "No."

So I'm happy as a clam,

I just pray for the peace and stability of our Nation, and Great Britain with the coronation of King Charles this Sat.

If there is any muck up with terrorism this weekend I'm going to be severely sore about it.  

But to any fans of this site or any of my projects,

remember if you have a need to protest and really fuck up shit for personal/political reasons, don't burn a car, or kick your dog, or for heaven's sake don't get into physical altercations - JUST TAKE A SPRAY CAN TO A WALL.

It's sooooooo much less naughty than violent crime,

and when you get busted for it, it's not even a big deal.  Hell, give's the cops something to do!

So remember,

So "No" to violent protest,

Say "Yes" to Tea Party Graffiti!

DDU 2023

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