Sunday, May 21, 2023

If I'm Being Honest - We're Still Reminded, The USA Can't Be Divided

 Two Parties,

One Team.  I believe the right and the left are conjoined in centrist thinking, and with the think tanks being what they are, I - with much aplomb - Wish everyone a great kick-off to the busy travel season!  Let's all have a great vacation, and let's gather around together as one UNITED family, and cross the aisle, shake hands and say - you know what? "Trump, Not so Bad..." "Biden, Not the Worst..."!

I mean now is a time for unity,

an almost 9/11 like moment with all that is going on in the Ukraine.

So let's band together as one species, one race (the human race) one nation and yae 1 universe.

Let's embark upon a grand old party of gallantry and regalia'd opulence, and say - yeah, at least the emporor is wearing armor.  Might need a bath though, sleepy joe.

I think, therefore I am not inclined to comment,

that what may or may not be the reality aspect of DDU is ever present, however - let's always remember, never forget 9/11.

If your faith is afflicted, my faith is affected we'll stay connected till it all comes back around~

DDU 23

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