Thursday, August 31, 2023

POLITALK2.BLOGSPOT.COM "The Same Damned Burning Heart"

 Ya kno...

My aesthetic of dialectical authorship has changed, let's say 'evolved' over the years since I started my epic and historical blog here in 2010.  For one, it initially was just a platform to say, in full and toto, what I intended to communicate in other avenues.  So, in a sense, this is like my one man Forum, that no one generally can add to nor subtract from, b/c it's all verbatim.

I hesitated to call this blog historical,

but I know that years after we're all dead, much of the authorship of Politalk may become of anthropological interest, considering my punk rawk cred, as well as the historicity of the times we live in, factically, proximally and for the most part...

So as I was wont to do,

Here's my best watered down Heidegger:

"Being-as-such is a problem to being-in-and-of-itself.  The facticity of this problematic, comes from the factical nature of being thereness, or the being therein of Worldliness, that what I had previously called "Worldhood of the World".  The end result, ultimately, is death of Dasein.

All Daseins cease to be in the world-as-such, factically.

You can say a Dasein continues on in some type of psychologically spiritual sense,

yet we know that eyeballs cease to see,

fingers cease to touch,

mouths stop feeding,

and noses stop smelling the sweet perfume of intoxicating "This-worldliness".

So if being is problematic,

so too is nothingness...

I'll leave that be as a simple common-sensical "verstehen" of death as such,

but being itself is a problem for beings.

Which is to say,

An Ontological question that is answered Ontically.

This applied science of Being is regarded as Ontology.  But what is "Ontical"?

Ontology is the science of "Being" with a capital "B".

The "Ontical" sciences are the study of "Beings", as you would say study an ant colony.

So why is not this type of science prescient and salient for our Academic Institute of late?  Is it possible that these types of assertive questions of Historical Facticity raised by Martin Heidegger (let alone the Psychological discoveries of Freud) are dismissed in American Education?

We're all taught about Plato in school,

but what is the real Historical Facticity of the Greek Socrates?


That's about the extent of Historicity regarding the Grecian Mysteries I need!  They routinely had sex with underage males in the name of Educating them!!!  That's repulsive.

So while Aquinas and Augustine conflated the teachings of Plato & Catholicism,

We as a people for whom "Being" is problematic,

need to stand aside from Socrates,

and say - as Jean-Jaques Derrida stated - that Philosophy is incorrect to blend Continental Ontological pursuits, with some type of Existential Platonism.  Further, you'll find that this Po-Mo view is shared by many evangelicals, who know that mixing Socrates with the Bible is, carte blanche, Wrong!

So When it comes to the question of "Being",

I would say that it comes down to what constitutes good philosophical inquiry...

"What is Being?"

As Nietzsche said,

"It's like water to a Fish."

A Fish is a being, for sure I would speculate.  It clearly has some type of sophisticated brain mechanisms that inter-relate with it's physical structure to cause it to "be", and to perhaps even "see" in a subconscious way.  So what could the fish, limited to the epistemology of the Fish as such, know about "Water"?  It wouldn't know anything about the Periodic Table of Elements' h2O, it wouldn't know anything about the chemical cleanliness of the water (though it may have water it prefers), and it would have absolutely NO IDEA that it was IN water, TOTALLY CONSTITUTED BY water, or in fact MADE UP OF WATER~

So in the idea of water to fish,

I compare the Homo Sapien.

What can we say about mankind that hasn't already been said about Pakistan.

We are cruel.

We are vile.

We are killers.

We are vain.

We are narcissistic.

We are power mongers.

We start global wars...

and despite the goodness - Humans are most often in these times typified by a kind of grim malfeasence known as "Love".

Love was held up by Socrates as the most glorious Virtue.

But how good is love as such?

Love is a kind of Death Wish!

Look at Romeo & Juliet - They Meet, They Fuck, and in Three Days they're Dead as Doorknobs.

That's love.


Brendan O'Connell 8/31/2023

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