Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Peace, Something We Need - But Will Never Do

 If I propose 'peace' as a philosophical precept for governance - What is to keep it from working out in all levels of our US body politik?  Why are we as Americans so afraid to Stop Loving the Bomb and Worry?  Is it a "What, Me Worry?" Politique in our global affairs.  We may not have to worry, but the Ukrainians sure do!  I have a contact in Kyiv, and he says he spends his nights shitting bricks!!!

Why can't we - as a global community - achieve peace-as-such?  Is it impossible?  I regard non-wartime peace as less frequent than times with fully engaged overseas warfare...  America First?

I don't know.

The Samurais used to say,

"Why worship virtue,

When it is 'Strength',

that makes all other virtues possible!"

I believe that the Red Dawn adage about global nuclear war was put best,

"Two toughest kids on the block,

They were bound to have it out sooner or later..."

I say,

Let's prevent this scenario.

Let's allow God to intervene in World Politik and bring our Earth into a new era of prosperity and peace, peace for everyone in every country, granted by the sovereignty of enumerated Republicanism.  People 'crave' democracy.  It's the only way forward to peace-as-such.

We need to bring peace to the world,


IDU 23

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