Wednesday, August 30, 2023

I Am Sitting in a Room, Different From the One You Are in Now

 As I sit here, on the cusp of an Enstormed several days, with Hurricane Idalia, I think as I suckle a Pirated Tequila Pepsi Mixer,

What if?



Global destruction.  When the bombs start to drop and the world starts to end, I'd like to be somewhere near to my friends with plenty of bottles of love juice.  I can only pray, that when the BOOM starts, the big BAZAAM doesn't engulf my Home State of the Long Leaf Pine.

For I,

as I sit here about to be existentially Drenched by Idalia,

a sorespot for many southerners,

I speculate - what if this Idalia is Climate Change Engineered  Ecoterrorism from the Chicoms?

It's possible,

Chem trails have been proven to have been facilitated historically, and who knows what kind of sick governmental deviance these guidelines find their strictures in...  Can we dust the crops in our own airspace ourselves, or is that airspace designated for UAP?

What was this whole mess to begin with, was it psychobabbel?

Was it an encroachment upon civil liberties?

Was it, and is it still to this day,



Another strike against our nation, through organized terror.

The collusion between Russia, China and the Republicans,

having a pit stop cocaine party...

Why wouldn't these wraiths want more from life?


I reckon it's because they're sitting pretty.

But at what cost?

My family and friends and copatriots can't pocket the lavish lifestyles these D.C. types live.  Why shouldn't China foot the bill?  Yeah, I'm sure that'd work out nicely, wouldn't it?

Biden Crime Syndicate references aside,

What kind of Gullible man wouldn't even know this lone fact about the Bidenista Corruption from the Start>?

"Biden Cheated on His Bar Exam!"



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