Thursday, August 10, 2023

Hawaii Tragedy: I Suspect a Nork Missle

 I know we shouldn't judge before all of the facts are in, but I think these so called "wild fires" in Hawaii are the fires resulting from a bomb that was potentially launched at Hawaii by the Norks.  

I'm loathe to speculate this, but if you saw the presser, the Gov. said she took a flight over the burn zone, and she basically was all leik, "It looked as if a..." and then said she could provide the pics...

I know I'm probably wrong, and people would laugh in your face to speculate this type of thing idly, but if we devolve rapidly into World War soon, I'll have to assume I was right.


I mourned the 38 lives lost this morn',

It was kind of hard for me to see the pics -= I was in a House fire in which a civilian stormed in while I was passed out from smoke inhalation and pulled me out of a Burning Building!!!  So it hit close to home, There's something people who haven't experienced fires don't get about how pungent burning stuff is, it's very deathly scary.

If you see fire, out there dear reader, RUN!!!


I'm just speculating.

R.I.P. the Hawaii 38

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