Thursday, August 25, 2022

WE ARE ALL ON THE FRONTLINES - Stand By the Turks, Today!!!

 Below is my contribution to a Turkish "Experimental Music Youtube Channel"

The biggest story for this little avenue for DIY realpolitik, is BY FAR, the recent turn in world events - as they releate to our allies in the struggle for the right kind of governance for as many folks as we can assemble into our NATO coalition of allied countries against COMMUNISM (i.e. China, Russia & Iran).

The war on our homefront outside Iraq in Syria has been heating up - BIGLY...

I suspect International Communist interference & conspiratorial armed Russian terror, and the bombs and mortar deployed recently at our US Marine Corpsmen which injured some of our native USA operatives on the frontlines must surely be provided by communist RUSKIE KGB ops, co-ordinated by none other than vlad the imputiner...  Call him PM of Russia etc., he is not the source of power except militarily.  The real power in the USSR is in the arms of the people, the regular innocents of russia struggling with a totalitarian oppressor...  There are millions of them, and the die hard putin-ites doing their duty only have a miniscule movement or, in some godly observance, any power at all whatsoever, aside from people in that country looking the other way... but the public sentiment is decidedly against the PM (hence the car bombing carried out by anti-communist soldiers in an undeground attack on Putin's Oxen-cart)!

But I say that merely to preface a lone factoid:



OFFICIALLY ALLYING W/ THE NATO COALITION, or UKRAINE, USA etc.'s the most under-reported story about the buildup to total world war conflict, the one our CIA and think-tanks in academia have been studiously preparing for in echelons of power in the US o' AMERICA since, approx. inference from my connect with the FBI, the 1950's.

The other commentary I'll proffer in my live update blogstream, keep checking back for gnu not univision content from DDU/IDU '22 superPAC (not affiliated with any country, political party or person's IP address/browser history) and end here with is this:

"I've been a little bit on the fence about how to show my support for Trump in his, I'd assume, second POTUS bid in '24 - I just really like Mike Pence for obvious reasons, and I love trump, stumped for trump and we won - a proud moment for a Tea Party Operative like myself and my superPAC Domestic Democracy United... but I have to admit, I have kind of been found in a rift with how I intend to properly serve and obey the G.O.P. in my adopted home in Downtown Durham, NC '22 in a non Rhinoceros-esque way.  I mean a lot of these young repubs (and much of the R.I.N.O. Boomer Repubs) seem soooo Bandwagon-esque!!!

So, as I've been trying to be fair and impartial - even aquescing to the D.E.M. precisely b/c we live in a quasi-9/11 era of patriotic unity for me, in the ole' North State -  I told myself at the onset of this midterm spin season election cycle,

'If Trump dumps Pence as VP and picks that cracker De Santis for his running mate, I refuse to vote for Trump.  I'll write in Sylvester P. Smythe or sommet, but - b/c I'm a Mike Pence Die Hard Neo-Conservative - if De Santis is Trump's VP pick?  I won't be supporting his candidacy for POTUS in '24...'



De Santis is actually turning anti-Trump, and essentially aligning his cracker ass with Lady Licker Liz Cheney, a Rhino, not a true Elephant in the Room.

So with that,

I - Brendan Hooker O'Connell - am proud on this day of our Lord - to FULLY & with gusto and the stamina of Cackalack prideful longevity, with all my blog's miniscule influence online - to Endorse Donald J. Trump 4 POTUS in 2024, without hesitation.  the party has split...

but we are 1 party, 1 team, 1 america in a judicial power structure of bi-cameral consequence..."




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