Friday, August 26, 2022

Live Blogstream correspondence with MBR's PEPKOMMANDO - IDU 2022 interview with a High Ranking Freemason in Deutschland 8/26/2022 5:14 AM *rapid stream live*


^above is the proper album, from an unknown soldier, whose heredity is from the Reich a.k.a. Pepkommando^  featured in King Minosian Eurovision indie label release off of my own personal label, Minos Battery~ Minos Battery Recordings (link) 'TERROR TO THE BONE" Long Play Digital Album, teh gnuist not racist RELEASE ON MBR !  DDU/IDU '22 approved

anti-fah online tigerbeat magazine write up on DDU/IDU founder

"below is a found excerpt from private messaging in SC from yours truly to pepkommando -a freemason member in the Continent"

- R.T. Stillwell

"oh btw - u are teh rawkzors!!!  u get way too little respect from yr people/country/DJSCENE... wtfuckzore? yr pepkommando shit is so fucking badass it's literally like mad sanity in terroristic nationalism... which I've gotten in soooo mich fuss over!!!  I get fucked up by the brown shirts who hate the tea party so much they even send stalinist agents 2 our activities to egg on and infiltrate the activist march of the TEA PARTY, Ya Know?  If yr a little in the dark about what I am referencing when I type TEA PARTY - you're not alone...  Search 'tea party' in google to see wot I'm gettig at.  Somehow, the TEA PARTY is considered so dangerous a form of nationalism that it is - down the line - censored in every ave., except my home street of Crabtree.  Why? no fuckin' clue!  I went in to my last attempt at education to get a job with the DOT or wotever, right?  I go in there - and I tell the teacher,

"Man, I'm so excited to take your english course!  I actually write everyday on a blog!"

she automatically when I said 'blog' gave me a disparaging space upon which to commence to jigglin'...

I say,

"Yeah it's a Tea Party blog that rip[s headlines from the blood 'n guts evfening news etc. and does political commentary on world events and issues of current events~!"

this is what this faux southern belle - a died in the wool communist ging' pushing nigger poetry n' nigger loving appreciation of Eng. Lit. - replied:

"The Tea PArty?  You mean that group that believes in rape?"

I have no idea who puts that disinfo about the Tea Party - alls I know, the Tea Party Jello references in the album title of his gnu Alt. Tentacles Release ALTERNATIVE TENTACLES 'tea party revenge porn album' purchase link is it is anything BUT what they are portrayed to be in the media, more prescient than the outright censorship of anything to do with the tea party would lead an innocent person to believe, and is - honest to goodness - the least rascist, least fascist, least extremist wing of the Conservative Movement that is only ever seen in corporatist avenues in a Jello album that references it critically!!!

WTF - when was the last time anyone even took the tea party at all seriously, or even considered it without pride n' prejudice?

The T-Partay, as such - ain't dead.

Fuck the proud boys and their cultish followers.

Fuck the alt-right, with their pro-sodomite end game theories!

Fuck alex jones, fuck News Corp.

and God bless Jenna on NBC, the voice of realpolitik republicanism in the mainstream avenues of news media!

...and god bless the USA!!!

btw - pepkommando - this is being streamed onto my blog feed for my readership...

what do you say - everythig else I'm ommitting you said before about your history in Deutschland - what do you say 'on the record'?

The whole world is watching!

International Democracy United 2023 - 'the cutting edge of societal evoqueetion"

btw - my email is if anyoe EVARZ needs any transparency, security contractor, brown shirt operative, or just anybody who would like to speak off the record to POLITALK.  I'm going public w/ this fact: "The only person to ever email me personally about things I've stated on my superPAC, was the black wife of a black former military member whose post-deployment involvement with the Veterans Healthcare System (the VA) led him to his grave, spoke critically of what I said about her husband and challenged my presumption on this neglected 'ripped from the headlines' shooting of an Army veteran with a wife n' children. while like the old guard D.E.M. had gratitude for my bringing her husband's story to light!  We had an honest dialectic back and forth, and she expressed that it was all OFF THE REOCRD, so I never did a follow up story to correct my media bias - but I pushed around the guilt, blame and malfeasance of gov'ment heavy handedness in matters of mental illness in a sociologically biased way, that was - I say this as DDU/IDU politalk author extraordinaire - blind to the facts...

I deleted the correspondence out of respect, hoping that as a woman of good reputation and standing it would not reflect on her and what she laid the blame for her former military family man husband's officer involved shooting - who had a viral video stand off with police but whose name I will not mention - squarely with the VA and their corrupt oppresssive mental health procedure.  R.I.P. Private -----------

so what's your view on that pepkommando?  U are, in actual fact not paranoid amphetamine induced lunacy - that you are on a 'no fly' list.  Can correspond with you off or on the record about your traditions as a neo-nazi in ----------?  It will be published here for the record's in the book of life, at the pearly gates, for st. peter to read ad infinitum?"

keep on checking back for updates - and for one final triumph of the fated truth, I just now -at 5 am- got word from 5904 on the frontlines in KYIV that he is - still - not dead.  Thank goodness!!!  I'll update any of pepkommando freemasonic lodge due paying's Reichesque responses to International Democracy United's ongoing transparent correspondence - gonzo authorship in '22, for the right!!!


are you left?

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