Thursday, August 15, 2024

Why a vote 4 G.O.P. is a Vote For Freedom

All the time the FCC attempts to silence the dissident conservative voice in the media.   The hit 'n run drive by media never gives the reality of crime.  It's always subterfuged into lamestream comment 'n opine'.  I believe that everybody in America has the equal right to an equal voice and an equal democracy. The lifeline of the Constitution sends throughout all of America and yes even the world; an emblem of majesty, democracy and a writ of freedom, writ large! The number one thing about freedom is that it isn't free! We have to fight for freedom! It's as Kelse said in the Kansas City celebration, one has to fight for one's right to party! So with that in mind I'd like to simply dialectically discuss with a scalpel to the point of view of the mainstream american, a real quick brain test! Are you free? Am I free? Are we free? I ask not as an aside of idleness or testament, but as a gauge to find where America in it's heart truly lie. The constitution of America is the document that enshrines our freedoms. The moment we stop giving a damn about the Constitution and care more about our own narcissistic vainglorious attempts at social influencing, is the moment we lose for eternity!

Perhaps you've heard of virtue. Well the thing is virtue isn't all it seems. Virtue seems to me to be a technique or process by which things come about. Perhaps it is the intentionality of creation. But what we do know is one can empirically analyze phenomenologically our conscience our consciousness and our scientific truth as a being in the world. That truth is merely this, our five senses. Smell being the most important according to Nietzsche. I grasp the reality that I'm given or perhaps that I take part in, and I grasp that it has something to do with responsibility. Service. So as I grasp these things in a revelry, I must acknowledge that it's all of a man's life is to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Render unto life what is the living. Render unto your heart that what commeth from neurology. Find a life in the advantage of the privilege that we're born with, unto death. Find that stigmatized blank sided blindness. The blindness is a great hole in humanity!

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