Saturday, August 10, 2024


Hello to all of my politalk readers!
I'm up here in Durham county North Carolina, like a damn Yankee staying up late on a Friday night Saturday morning, (that an emo band The Summer Set referred to as Fridurday on their latest e.p. "Blossom"), and just reminiscing about various encounters with the pathology of the masses that I have had living downtown in various locations.  I got to say there's a lot of people out there who covet firearms and other weapons, with the near paranoiac fantasy of defending their household and their property with firearms and various weapons. People don't really understand when they covet weapons they're kind of committing a sin of sorts.  Many a rifle owner or self-defense practitioner envisions a life or death struggle with somebody attempting to break into their house. Well, I hate to tell them...  One is far more likely to have that weapon backfire on them, or even be used against them or a loved one misappropriating a weapon than for there to be an actual situation in which a legal discharge of a firearm on another person's fleshy substance is warranted. I go by clip n carbine in my dance hall deejaying.  Saying that, I am honest to goodness here to tell you the truth, that I have never held a gun in my grasp even a single time.  I have had them pointed at me, even if just in a friendly sort of way. I'm here to tell you that no matter how much you care about your security and safety, as widowed police wife Dominique Rivera said at her husband's funeral at St Patrick's in New York City, no one is safe. Guns far more often than not will not keep you safe. I can tell you this for a fact! Right now I'm up late at night on a stimulant, as I was about 10 years ago. I was living off of Hillsborough Street in downtown Raleigh North  Carolina, literally directly on North Carolina State campus.  As I'm wont to do, I was working on music in my digital audio workstation. When you work on music in a sequencer, it's not just one big wall of sound constantly blaring at high volumes, but rather stop and play (noise and silence). I'm up late at night in downtown Raleigh in a little duplex I was lucky to find at the time, dating one of the most coveted charismatic attractive women in the bar scene at the time. I was sitting at the computer which was literally in the kitchen of the house, with a bathroom right behind where I was sitting working on my sequencer making beats. Clip n Carbine beats (you can download my singles on I tunes). . . As I sat there I felt completely oblivious to any kind of danger that there might have been. So as I am sitting there making a new beat to play out at the dancehall I had a residency at (the now defunct SOUTHLAND BALLROOM), I hear a noise in the restroom behind me...  Standard fare, as suspicious sounds are fairly common in life!  So I decided to get up from my work station and investigate...  3 am, right?  I open up the door to the bathroom, and what do I see? A man in a ski mask and Adidas tracksuit literally climbing into my house through the bathroom window, almost nearly halfway between in & out of the leau. Criminals, many people don't think about, are generally very scared and fearful, or even just nervous, when they attempt to commit certain crimes. The paranoia of breaking the law and being afraid of getting caught makes the criminal - by nature - cowardly. Standard human condition, right? So I catch this guy climbing in my bathroom window!!!  . . . and as soon as he sees me in my bikers jacket he ducks and runs like a cockroach scurrying for cover when a lamp is ticked on...
As soon as he was coming in the window? He went the f*** back out the window! 
To this day I can only explain the fortunate timing that I had in catching him before he was more than halfway through the window on my internalizing the faith of Abraham. I read a Kierkegaard existential treatise on Protestantism, which retold the story of Abraham and Isaac in his own framing. I have described this Faith of Abraham to people constantly in public discourse & dialectic, and in retrospect I had recently at the time gotten a fair amount of grief from one of my girlfriend's buddies when I described to her the parable of Abraham and Isaac. When I described it to her, as a layman when it comes to religion, she became very agitated and angry at the idea that as a son of Abraham I would kill somebody if God commanded me to, which seems fairly counterintuitive to many people, but which made sense not just to me but also to a young man I met who was about to deploy to Baghdad to fight in the army. Sometimes things make sense in different ways to different people. But I, in retrospect, almost feel like the faith of God and Abraham was there with me that night protecting me from grievous harm because I had been open and vocal and passionate about the importance of the faith of Abraham, to the point of essentially getting yelled at by my girlfriend's buddy, decrying me as a deplorable for believing that it's appropriate to obey God's command should he command one to kill, or for Abraham to murder, as it was in the Bible, his own eldest son. Sometimes God needs you to talk out loud passionately about the word of God in Scripture. I think that was one of the reasons why the faith of Abraham saved my life that night. Basically as far as I understood it, as I explained to a young man about to ship out to Iraq to fight against terrorism, is basically if God tells you to kill, you embody his will and prepare to kill. Conversely, if God commands you not to kill, you turn on a dime and lower your rifle. This made great sense to my friend in the service, but unfortunately not to one of the many people who felt entitled to the friendship of my girlfriend at the time. Don't get me started! But what I would say is that the faith of Abraham saved me from potentially being shot or stabbed, that fateful night. So remember, if you are a true soldier before Jesus, never pick up the gun in vain. These weapons are designed to do what? They are designed to Maim and murder. If you are into guns, that's well and good. However I take the Clint Eastwood stance, of The Seventh-Day Adventist who enlisted to serve in the last world war, but refused to pick up a gun. We should not idealize the existence of real weaponry.  There is nothing fun, I would presume, about shooting a human being in almost any circumstance. Love is fun, not murder! So in retrospect, I have seen many things in my life as an Urban music DJ for over 20 years that defy everyday common sensical American selfhood! Most people have not seen the dark side, of the streets, of the music culture and scene, or fighting in a war! All I will say is this, which is I have seen hoardes of sinners on about two or three occasions attempting to bring me physical harm in a quasi-swarm of collectivist animals, for whatever reason. If you have not seen let's say it politely, a democrat lynch mob out for blood, you haven't seen the horror of the dark side. You do not want to see the dark side, trust me. People voyeur fight videos online, and seem to want to break off a piece of the action. If they knew the truth of the dark side of violence on the street, they would quit mean mugging, quit desiring to do harm in a physical fist fight or otherwise, and obey the dictates of the word of God in the Bible. 

This is the word of God for the people of God! (Jk)
Thanks be to God!

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