Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 It may be coalescent in a sense that the Democrats are holding their national convention in Chicago. In 1968, there was a massive protest at the Chicago DNC. The footage that we accrued from that moment in time doesn't tell the whole story of the good old-fashioned Walnut shampoo. In this protest against the USA the new left carried out revolutionary tactics eventually leading to harsh countermeasures by the government. Now we look at today, in which the Conservative Republican party and ethos is at an all-time high. It's as Gonzo author Hunter S. Thompson once said, you only see an epoch like this once in a generation. What's going on in America right now is very much a revolutionary time.  Our era is an era of Hope for a biblical revolution. Our era is an era of fighting against corruption. Ours is the post deconstructuralist era. So when I say this I allude very much so to the counterculture much like the 1960s or the greasers from the 50s. We're in an heaven bound movement that goes up and up and up and up. We're fighting for righteousness and we're fighting for what really matters in the world which is freedom. This is the conservative 1968. Much of the Conservative Republican base is now high on happy pills or possibly even large amounts of marijuana and mushrooms depending on the state. This gives one great amount of pleasure if not in an only hedonistic way but in a "we're All in this together" type of way. What could happen in the near future is anybody's guess. But I would say that we have many rivers to cross as a Nation, the United States of America. We must all say daily new the pledge of allegiance, which is thus: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

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