Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tug on the Ubermensch's Cape, Spit off the End of the World

 Politics as such is much decried in our collective mentality as being a faux pas for discourse in our age. Philosophy even itself, has a kind of stigma attached to it when talking about Christianity. Theology in many ways is the essence of what makes a political movement more than just morning excrement after a cup of joe. Theology is both political and philosophical. So that's why I rend my garments as often as possible before pigs and dogs. Oh they rend them against you. It's actually the only way to make conversation in post deconstructuralist America! But what I argue here is that the philosophy of the right, is so different than the philosophy of the left. We have a bicameral system in our great Republic of America. And in a bicameral time, where all of our energies are immersed in the bath, the media we soak and cleanse our mind and spirit and ghost with in the lame stream media as we do, we come away with a particularly American viewpoint, a particularly American worldview, and with that comes a lot of divulgence of straight traditional theology from the New testament and Old testament. One can apply this to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche was I would argue what constitutes a conservative, cart blanche, and we need to remember such great atheist Republicans such as Tom Wolfe, or the man who single-handedly invented the punk rock bubblegum power cord, Alan Cummings.  At this point in time I think the history is in the making! Communism is coalescently obsolescing and assaulting the right-mindedness of conservatism. Why? It would seem that after four years of Biden they're frustrated as it comes to the Palestinian protest, and the DEM base knows no shame. I say to everybody the divulgence of the truth en mass is what's coming in the present age, the post deconstructuralist age. I looked at philosophers like Hegel, who often quoted Jesus in his writings, some say to remain morally beholden to the society in which he wrote his philosophy, around the same time of his atheist predecessor Kant.  If you look in Hegel's the philosophy of right, you find that he is better than you! 


 "It is only because I am alive as a free entity in my body that is this living existent ought not to be misused by being made a beast of burden. When I am alive my soul and my body are not separated, my body is the embodiment of my freedom and it is with that body that I feel. It is therefore only abstract sophistical reasoning which can so distinguish body and soul as to hold that the thing in itself the soul is not touched or attacked if the body is maltreated and the existing embodiment of personality is subjected to the power of another. I can withdraw into myself out of my bodily existence and make my body something external to myself, particularly feelings I can regard to something outside me-"


Selah dear reader,



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