Saturday, August 31, 2024



Thursday, August 29, 2024


 I believe the word of God to be the truth. I believe individualism to be the truth. I believe Protestant evangelicalism to be the truth. I believe properly done science to be the truth. I believe Freud and his understanding of the human organism to be the truth. I believe that psychical energy, is factically true.

Why even bother with the truth some might ask. Is it so important for something to be accurate? Is it at all relinquishable to have a state of being represent something authentically true about existence? Is it at all anybody's business, in the faith and spirituality realms?

One might have to suspect that the idea of Truth carries with it the implications of responsibility. If it's at all possible for ethics and morality to be existent, and we believe in a world of responsibility, then surely we should care about truth as such. Or even truth in and of itself. 

What if what we believe to be truth is in fact false? It happens all the time! Well we should always hold out the idea, the skeptical idea, that our limited subjective worldview might not in fact be the truth. It might not even in fact be responsible, as a sinner like myself is won't to do. 

When we think about the word of God, we should think about the type of truth it's attempting to address. Is the truth of the Bible talking about morals and ethics? I would have to say certainly. Is the truth of the Bible to do with phenomenological and empirically verifiable phenomenon of existence which is in fact the truth? Is the Bible to do with responsibility? Is the phenomena of mind and consciousness to do with existentialism? I would say all of these answer in the affirmative. 

Perhaps even God's truth in the word of the Bible, has to do with the phenomenon Freud termed psychical energy. Sigmund Freud had a theory that the structure of the brain was of the same structure as the universe on larger levels. Which is to say the structure of the universe is correlative to the structure of an individual human mind, or spirit. 

The term geist is German for mind, spirit, and ghost. So when we look at the phenomena of mind, we would do well to view it as in some sense a spiritual form, preceded by physical structure. Why is existence such? 

Well if people throughout history had not asked the question what is the mind, what is the spirit, and what is the holy Ghost, then science would not be at the level that it is today, neurologically. Why is the mind in a psychological sense not just as pressing as the spirit, or the ghost of existence?

To answer these questions one would obviously have to look the psychological sciences, and our current developing and evolving understanding of consciousness and the Brain as it perceives are experience of the mind, brain, or spirit! The truth it would seem to me, beyond my own Christian pragmatic concerns, is that all is one....


All for one and one for all. 

Domestic Democracy United 2024

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Inquiry Into Ideological Politics, Policy

 I have made some comments to my mother and other people within an earshot that Kamala Harris wouldn't be the worst candidate in the world, and should it come down to it I would consider voting for her. I was more saying that just to egg them on. But now that Kamala Harris has unexpectedly become the Democrat nominee, I have to say I'm going to be listening very closely, on the run up to the election, to policy matters. I know I'm a Republican and I know what I believe, I think... But I'm going to look at Kamala Harris and her policy matters as a scientist would use the scientific method to analyze a concept. If her policy makes sense, I don't see any reason why people shouldn't vote for her.  I know that in many respects she's unapologetically pro eugenics. This is something that often times Americans are taught in school. The malthusian impulse to ration, or to force sexual sterilization, or to tax the citizens of the United States, is the type of policy I would expect her to have. But I will be looking at and scrutinizing her policy positions over the course of the run-up to the national election in November. Furthermore today or yesterday I believe, Robert F Kennedy Jr officially endorsed Trump. This is bipartisanship at its best. I used to say two parties one team. Or even one party two teams, when it comes to the right to fight for your right to party! But with Robert F Kennedy Jr's endorsement of our Conservative candidate for president, it seems as though a lot of people are analyzing this in terms of policy, in an attempt to have some kind of objectivity when it comes to values. But should Kamala Harris come up with the right policy for me, which I'm betting she doesn't, I would gladly cast my vote for her. But I think this objective inquiry into politicians and the political parties' philosophy, platform, and morality by people left right and independent, is the primary reason why Trump will inevitably win in 2024. People who aren't traditionally Republican seem to be turning in favor of a Trump presidency.

So let's all remember and never forget what happened on 9/11. Let's pray everyday once a day as I do, for no more gigantic terror attacks on innocent Americans, and citizens of the world. 

Domestic democracy United 24

Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Marking God dead is something that's impossible to achieve.  I believe the first person to write about the death of God, was Martin Luther. I'd be interested to know what Kamala "Kam Toe" Harris would present in terms of philosophy, or even her lack of Evangelical faith, so to speak. Some messages, some of her comments she held as boiler plates, were from a fairly pro-choice type of candidate. Her denomination is exactly Lutheran and quasi-Reformation, so I would be interested to know what she thinks when it comes to Jesus. I care very little for what politicians care about in their job, generally unless it's in very formal necessary situations like after 9/11. By the Lutheran, Protestant Lutheran faith by the very power of buying into Lutheranism,  one in a very consciously Protestant yet not altogether it would seem to me Evangelical worldview. Martin Luther was the first person to ever declare that God was dead. Many people forget this and just type in Christianity Incorporated, and sign on the dotted lines of the grand old party. I don't mind that I really don't and I say that really literally if we're talking odds I think it's a safe bet that this election in 2024 will lead to an uncanny ascendency of the young Republican woman and men. I see the ascendancy of a new philosophy. I see a historical affect in place in such a way as to obscure historicity, and the authenticity therin.  VOTE PIG

So with that I'm really happy to post here my official totschlog records release of my new newest crapcore spectacular video mix.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 It may be coalescent in a sense that the Democrats are holding their national convention in Chicago. In 1968, there was a massive protest at the Chicago DNC. The footage that we accrued from that moment in time doesn't tell the whole story of the good old-fashioned Walnut shampoo. In this protest against the USA the new left carried out revolutionary tactics eventually leading to harsh countermeasures by the government. Now we look at today, in which the Conservative Republican party and ethos is at an all-time high. It's as Gonzo author Hunter S. Thompson once said, you only see an epoch like this once in a generation. What's going on in America right now is very much a revolutionary time.  Our era is an era of Hope for a biblical revolution. Our era is an era of fighting against corruption. Ours is the post deconstructuralist era. So when I say this I allude very much so to the counterculture much like the 1960s or the greasers from the 50s. We're in an heaven bound movement that goes up and up and up and up. We're fighting for righteousness and we're fighting for what really matters in the world which is freedom. This is the conservative 1968. Much of the Conservative Republican base is now high on happy pills or possibly even large amounts of marijuana and mushrooms depending on the state. This gives one great amount of pleasure if not in an only hedonistic way but in a "we're All in this together" type of way. What could happen in the near future is anybody's guess. But I would say that we have many rivers to cross as a Nation, the United States of America. We must all say daily new the pledge of allegiance, which is thus: 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Why a vote 4 G.O.P. is a Vote For Freedom

All the time the FCC attempts to silence the dissident conservative voice in the media.   The hit 'n run drive by media never gives the reality of crime.  It's always subterfuged into lamestream comment 'n opine'.  I believe that everybody in America has the equal right to an equal voice and an equal democracy. The lifeline of the Constitution sends throughout all of America and yes even the world; an emblem of majesty, democracy and a writ of freedom, writ large! The number one thing about freedom is that it isn't free! We have to fight for freedom! It's as Kelse said in the Kansas City celebration, one has to fight for one's right to party! So with that in mind I'd like to simply dialectically discuss with a scalpel to the point of view of the mainstream american, a real quick brain test! Are you free? Am I free? Are we free? I ask not as an aside of idleness or testament, but as a gauge to find where America in it's heart truly lie. The constitution of America is the document that enshrines our freedoms. The moment we stop giving a damn about the Constitution and care more about our own narcissistic vainglorious attempts at social influencing, is the moment we lose for eternity!

Perhaps you've heard of virtue. Well the thing is virtue isn't all it seems. Virtue seems to me to be a technique or process by which things come about. Perhaps it is the intentionality of creation. But what we do know is one can empirically analyze phenomenologically our conscience our consciousness and our scientific truth as a being in the world. That truth is merely this, our five senses. Smell being the most important according to Nietzsche. I grasp the reality that I'm given or perhaps that I take part in, and I grasp that it has something to do with responsibility. Service. So as I grasp these things in a revelry, I must acknowledge that it's all of a man's life is to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Render unto life what is the living. Render unto your heart that what commeth from neurology. Find a life in the advantage of the privilege that we're born with, unto death. Find that stigmatized blank sided blindness. The blindness is a great hole in humanity!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 On the Gonzo routine of on and off refurbishing po - cracker Florida newsreels, I have come upon an exciting blip on the political radar. Our great state of the longleaf pine, the old North State, is hosting Donald Trump in buncombe county, Asheville North Carolina!  This is in the western region of our state, and as anybody who's familiar with the downtown Oasis that is Asheville knows, that must be on some fairly extreme turf. I tuned in for a moment to rsbn, and found it fascinating. I had actually worked as a yellow cab driver graveyard shift in downtown Asheville over the course of 4 years. So when I saw on the news feed or newsreel that it was downtown next to Prichard Park? I absolutely was shocked to find this uncanny turn of events. Right after an attempted assassination, Donald j Trump brings it to em.  This is a badass counter action that I think nobody was really expecting. I think that Trump shows a great deal of gravitas, by bringing his campaign and rallying to buncombe county North Carolina, on the Great Smokies, the Blue Ridge Parkway. I'm sure, as having lived there for a while, the buzz must be absolutely ecstatic going on at the Civic center. Crowds like these were common in downtown Asheville when I lived about two blocks from Prichard Park on a little road called ravenscroft, and seeing Trump coming to the heart of the Blue ridge, seems almost biblical to me considering the closeness in proximity to Billy Graham's The cove. I can almost assure you Donald Trump met with Franklin Graham during his visit so far. So with everything set for a great speech in the Blue Ridge Parkway, let's pray for a safe and happy hump day, and thank Trump for bringing our state a little bit of sunshine!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A vote for the grand old party, is a vote for freedom, traditional fundamentals, and fun

 With all the political misinformation on the interweb now a days, one would be wise to look to the philosophy of the continent. Think of any profoundly revolutionary author in philosophy over the last let's say century of philosophical thought. The philosophy of the continent, is the way to stay informed about the value of theology, instead of ideology. Look for example at Jean-Jacques Derrida.  His authorship as such, is of invaluable import. Look at any of the postmodernists and you'll see the trace of Derrida.  For years the intellectualatti has looked to the philosophy of the continent for the gold standard of virtue. A poor man has no use for virtue. An educated businessman has a profoundly intellectual need for virtue. The agrarian man I would presume, needs neither. So as we look towards the conceptualization of Europe's greatest thinkers, I think we would be wrong to look towards philosophy as it's presented in academia. Philosophy is something to be lived. It has to do with taking the stake of reality, and coming to a full understanding of being.  The conservative commentator Buck Sexton often makes a big deal out of the search for truth. I believe this phrase goes, on the forefront of Truth. To me this seems ardently part of the GOP as I understand it, and often times this does lead to a kind of party as such. To understand the philosophy of the grand old party is to understand the character of conservatism. One understands oneself as being a Republican, much as one understands their religious denomination of choice. It is a quasi moral virtue, a writ and ethic so to speak to live by. So what I say is for those of you out there wondering what we should do right now as tea party patriots.  I say we measure the difference between truth with a capital t, and Truth in lower case as espoused in our works of philosophy. This as such is a search for something which has always been profoundly human, understanding.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Hello to all of my politalk readers!
I'm up here in Durham county North Carolina, like a damn Yankee staying up late on a Friday night Saturday morning, (that an emo band The Summer Set referred to as Fridurday on their latest e.p. "Blossom"), and just reminiscing about various encounters with the pathology of the masses that I have had living downtown in various locations.  I got to say there's a lot of people out there who covet firearms and other weapons, with the near paranoiac fantasy of defending their household and their property with firearms and various weapons. People don't really understand when they covet weapons they're kind of committing a sin of sorts.  Many a rifle owner or self-defense practitioner envisions a life or death struggle with somebody attempting to break into their house. Well, I hate to tell them...  One is far more likely to have that weapon backfire on them, or even be used against them or a loved one misappropriating a weapon than for there to be an actual situation in which a legal discharge of a firearm on another person's fleshy substance is warranted. I go by clip n carbine in my dance hall deejaying.  Saying that, I am honest to goodness here to tell you the truth, that I have never held a gun in my grasp even a single time.  I have had them pointed at me, even if just in a friendly sort of way. I'm here to tell you that no matter how much you care about your security and safety, as widowed police wife Dominique Rivera said at her husband's funeral at St Patrick's in New York City, no one is safe. Guns far more often than not will not keep you safe. I can tell you this for a fact! Right now I'm up late at night on a stimulant, as I was about 10 years ago. I was living off of Hillsborough Street in downtown Raleigh North  Carolina, literally directly on North Carolina State campus.  As I'm wont to do, I was working on music in my digital audio workstation. When you work on music in a sequencer, it's not just one big wall of sound constantly blaring at high volumes, but rather stop and play (noise and silence). I'm up late at night in downtown Raleigh in a little duplex I was lucky to find at the time, dating one of the most coveted charismatic attractive women in the bar scene at the time. I was sitting at the computer which was literally in the kitchen of the house, with a bathroom right behind where I was sitting working on my sequencer making beats. Clip n Carbine beats (you can download my singles on I tunes). . . As I sat there I felt completely oblivious to any kind of danger that there might have been. So as I am sitting there making a new beat to play out at the dancehall I had a residency at (the now defunct SOUTHLAND BALLROOM), I hear a noise in the restroom behind me...  Standard fare, as suspicious sounds are fairly common in life!  So I decided to get up from my work station and investigate...  3 am, right?  I open up the door to the bathroom, and what do I see? A man in a ski mask and Adidas tracksuit literally climbing into my house through the bathroom window, almost nearly halfway between in & out of the leau. Criminals, many people don't think about, are generally very scared and fearful, or even just nervous, when they attempt to commit certain crimes. The paranoia of breaking the law and being afraid of getting caught makes the criminal - by nature - cowardly. Standard human condition, right? So I catch this guy climbing in my bathroom window!!!  . . . and as soon as he sees me in my bikers jacket he ducks and runs like a cockroach scurrying for cover when a lamp is ticked on...
As soon as he was coming in the window? He went the f*** back out the window! 
To this day I can only explain the fortunate timing that I had in catching him before he was more than halfway through the window on my internalizing the faith of Abraham. I read a Kierkegaard existential treatise on Protestantism, which retold the story of Abraham and Isaac in his own framing. I have described this Faith of Abraham to people constantly in public discourse & dialectic, and in retrospect I had recently at the time gotten a fair amount of grief from one of my girlfriend's buddies when I described to her the parable of Abraham and Isaac. When I described it to her, as a layman when it comes to religion, she became very agitated and angry at the idea that as a son of Abraham I would kill somebody if God commanded me to, which seems fairly counterintuitive to many people, but which made sense not just to me but also to a young man I met who was about to deploy to Baghdad to fight in the army. Sometimes things make sense in different ways to different people. But I, in retrospect, almost feel like the faith of God and Abraham was there with me that night protecting me from grievous harm because I had been open and vocal and passionate about the importance of the faith of Abraham, to the point of essentially getting yelled at by my girlfriend's buddy, decrying me as a deplorable for believing that it's appropriate to obey God's command should he command one to kill, or for Abraham to murder, as it was in the Bible, his own eldest son. Sometimes God needs you to talk out loud passionately about the word of God in Scripture. I think that was one of the reasons why the faith of Abraham saved my life that night. Basically as far as I understood it, as I explained to a young man about to ship out to Iraq to fight against terrorism, is basically if God tells you to kill, you embody his will and prepare to kill. Conversely, if God commands you not to kill, you turn on a dime and lower your rifle. This made great sense to my friend in the service, but unfortunately not to one of the many people who felt entitled to the friendship of my girlfriend at the time. Don't get me started! But what I would say is that the faith of Abraham saved me from potentially being shot or stabbed, that fateful night. So remember, if you are a true soldier before Jesus, never pick up the gun in vain. These weapons are designed to do what? They are designed to Maim and murder. If you are into guns, that's well and good. However I take the Clint Eastwood stance, of The Seventh-Day Adventist who enlisted to serve in the last world war, but refused to pick up a gun. We should not idealize the existence of real weaponry.  There is nothing fun, I would presume, about shooting a human being in almost any circumstance. Love is fun, not murder! So in retrospect, I have seen many things in my life as an Urban music DJ for over 20 years that defy everyday common sensical American selfhood! Most people have not seen the dark side, of the streets, of the music culture and scene, or fighting in a war! All I will say is this, which is I have seen hoardes of sinners on about two or three occasions attempting to bring me physical harm in a quasi-swarm of collectivist animals, for whatever reason. If you have not seen let's say it politely, a democrat lynch mob out for blood, you haven't seen the horror of the dark side. You do not want to see the dark side, trust me. People voyeur fight videos online, and seem to want to break off a piece of the action. If they knew the truth of the dark side of violence on the street, they would quit mean mugging, quit desiring to do harm in a physical fist fight or otherwise, and obey the dictates of the word of God in the Bible. 

This is the word of God for the people of God! (Jk)
Thanks be to God!

Monday, August 5, 2024

On the mass hallucination known as collectivism

 When people start regarding reality as such as being "crazy", we have to ask ourselves why is this? Craziness itself is a lack of authentic reality, and centers around delusions. So why are college educated people more and more nowadays when confronted with the truth, responding "that's crazy'?  It seems to me to be problematic for our culture, yes, and vapid in terms of linguistics.  More and more today we find ourselves fallen like the Tower of Babel. Misunderstandings in communication are more and more common, no pun intended. What has become of the English language? Colloquialisms and slang term criticism aside, it would seem that people now view the innate pathology of our humanity as stable sane and rational, and view the very real dark side of life on Earth as insane. Maybe this is just a nice college educated sense of humor, but something about looking at a tragedy and decrying the reality of that tragedy as insane or crazy doesn't seem to me to be rational, reasonable, or responsible. What is reality one might ask? Is it a mass hallucination? What is crazy? Is it belief in our own narcissistic endeavors? Why do we ask these questions? I know that for me, the mass of Americans seem to me to be degenerating more and more into idiocy. What was once a standard of civility in our Western Civilization, has now degenerated and degraded into obscenity. This common vulgar baseness is unbecoming for a country as Grand as the United States of America. But more and more as we live online in the world wide web, we have to ask is what we call reality a hallucination? Well think about vision! Our eyeballs actually see the world as upside down, and it isn't until the phenomena of consciousness gets to the brain that it flips it right side up. So is the reality that we're living upside down in a crazy world? it would seem so.  As often times our representations relate to what amounts to a mass hallucination, I remain doubtful that what we call reality is the same thing as what Kant called the noumenon. In philosophy there's the dichotomy of phenomenon and noumenon. The phenomenon represents what we experience through our five senses. The noumenon would be the world apart from our representations of it. So therefore, the craziness of collectivism is finding itself ideologically incapable of accounting for the world as such. Being, is something to investigate phenomenologically. How is it that we know that we exist? How is it that we know there is such a thing as a world? How do we even know that what we consider to be reality is not an insanity that we inherited as a sinful human race? It would seem to me that if we analyze the phenomenon of experience, we find that much of it is suffering. And when we go through the world we can consider ourselves lucky and fortunate if we're not in a great degree of suffering. All life is suffering, experiencing pain. Experience of pain is something that you can phenomenologically think about, and analyze through circumspection. What is it like to be in immense pain?  Interestingly enough I was speaking to my mother about the pain of childbirth, and she described it as something that seems to me to be central to God's creation. She said that it was an immense pain but there was a pleasure to it because she knew she was bringing a life into this world. So perhaps the utilitarian argument that pain and pleasure are a central dichotomy doesn't account for the unification of pleasure and pain that a woman experiences when giving birth to a son or daughter. Therefore I would say that creation itself is considered to be crazy by agnostics. They have every right to think that our understanding of creation is insane, because their vision of creation has nothing to do with God. As a matter of fact I'll come right out and say the theory of evolution is crazy. Look at it like this. It took eons and eons of slow but sure incremental steps to create a society as degenerated as our own. Does this really make sense? To me there seems to be an aspect of vanity in the whole eons and eons of time perspective. It may seem crazy, but I know the truth is that this world is not much older than 10,000 years, if that. If you really look at the theory of evolution as I haven't thank God, you'd see that it's a fairly self-aggrandizing theory. And people may say how can you say that's rational you must be crazy because we have evidence that the universe is millions of years old! This is something that I can't help repeat over and over, apart from God's creation of the flagella motor on a cellular level, which is radiocarbon dating is a flawed pseudoscience. Radiocarbon dating would seem to be the geological proof that my claim that the universe is about 10,000 years old if that is the really insane viewpoint. Crazy, right? I'm not going to reference Lucy here, but I will go on and on about this carbon fixation our science heads have.  If we look at the global warming issue, we have to ask ourselves what is the nature of our environment when it comes to climate ecology? Well it has something to do with time, and eras of our society over long periods. So when we look at climate change, we must as republicans acknowledge that the climate is changing. However the climate has always been changing since our records started. It's undergone particularly cold ages and particularly warm ages. So this is proof of our planet Earth changing over time. Now take the example of radiocarbon dating. Radiocarbon dating is the one science that they're leaning all of their eons in eons of evolution worldview upon. Because our science as we understand it in our post deconstructuralist age says that we can find the age of sediment and rocks, and that radio carbon dating applies to sediment and rocks proves that the world has been here longer than 10,000 years, which I'm telling you all right now is a fact. Well look at climate change and apply it to radio carbon dating. Radio carbon dating operates on one fundamental constant. this fundamental constant which is used to draw the scientific dates on how old rocks are in geology assumes that the temperature of the Sun has been the same forever. That's how they draw these numbers of eons and eons of rock life or whatever! They use the temperature of the Sun as a constant. So if we know that the Earth changes in temperature over long periods of time, wouldn't it be safe to say that radio carbon dating is flawed because there's a likelihood that the sun was vastly hotter for a number of years, and this is just a fact of life. The scientific psychiatric cartel, which is hedging its bets and some kind of intellectual authority which it never has and never will have, is mistaken on so many issues they have to know just how poor their science really is. They're living and promulgating a collective psychosis, a collectivist hallucination. 

Rt Stillwell

Domestic democracy United 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tug on the Ubermensch's Cape, Spit off the End of the World

 Politics as such is much decried in our collective mentality as being a faux pas for discourse in our age. Philosophy even itself, has a kind of stigma attached to it when talking about Christianity. Theology in many ways is the essence of what makes a political movement more than just morning excrement after a cup of joe. Theology is both political and philosophical. So that's why I rend my garments as often as possible before pigs and dogs. Oh they rend them against you. It's actually the only way to make conversation in post deconstructuralist America! But what I argue here is that the philosophy of the right, is so different than the philosophy of the left. We have a bicameral system in our great Republic of America. And in a bicameral time, where all of our energies are immersed in the bath, the media we soak and cleanse our mind and spirit and ghost with in the lame stream media as we do, we come away with a particularly American viewpoint, a particularly American worldview, and with that comes a lot of divulgence of straight traditional theology from the New testament and Old testament. One can apply this to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche was I would argue what constitutes a conservative, cart blanche, and we need to remember such great atheist Republicans such as Tom Wolfe, or the man who single-handedly invented the punk rock bubblegum power cord, Alan Cummings.  At this point in time I think the history is in the making! Communism is coalescently obsolescing and assaulting the right-mindedness of conservatism. Why? It would seem that after four years of Biden they're frustrated as it comes to the Palestinian protest, and the DEM base knows no shame. I say to everybody the divulgence of the truth en mass is what's coming in the present age, the post deconstructuralist age. I looked at philosophers like Hegel, who often quoted Jesus in his writings, some say to remain morally beholden to the society in which he wrote his philosophy, around the same time of his atheist predecessor Kant.  If you look in Hegel's the philosophy of right, you find that he is better than you! 


 "It is only because I am alive as a free entity in my body that is this living existent ought not to be misused by being made a beast of burden. When I am alive my soul and my body are not separated, my body is the embodiment of my freedom and it is with that body that I feel. It is therefore only abstract sophistical reasoning which can so distinguish body and soul as to hold that the thing in itself the soul is not touched or attacked if the body is maltreated and the existing embodiment of personality is subjected to the power of another. I can withdraw into myself out of my bodily existence and make my body something external to myself, particularly feelings I can regard to something outside me-"


Selah dear reader,

