Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Obesity "Epidemic" is New Target of Chicom Healthcare Agenda 4 U.S.A.

 I researched, after FOXCONN (look it up it's an Asian Pharma/Health Corp) became of interest due to Slave Labor Shoppes in Chicom CCP Controlled "China",

A company called "HEALTHCONN",

which actually at the beginning of this year talked on it's website about how combatting obesity was a new priority on the agenda for the comp.ney...

I realized how this is, somehow, coming into effect of late with the "Bi-Partisan" decision in Congress to cut off EBT/SNAP Benefits (i.e. "Food Stamps") to tens of millions of Americans... 

It's suspicious... It's essentially the unholy alliance between repubs who want to cut social welfare spending and democrats who have this "Anti-Obesity" paranoia.

Obesity, is NOT, a disease or an epidemic.

Yet the Chi-Coms are making it out as if it were one...  we're told, all over television, if you are overweight it's a healthcare issue....  If so, then why none of those diet-speed pills they used to have, what were they called?

I think out of all the Bullshit the government beauracracies have failed the American People on, the FDA, the DHHS have failed us the most.  It's a bloody waste on tax payer money to even regulate into production the growth stunting chemicals into cereal as I learned in sophomore psychology  class, it's a farce when basic Drug Testing procedures were ignored by the FDA to approve the COVID Vaccine...

I remain unvax to this very day,

I was fully intending to get vax,

but then I saw it on the news - "THIS JUST IN, GETTING VAX HELPS WITH MEMORY RECALL TOO!!!"

I was leik,


And the insistence of lib dems to get vax seemed outrageously paranoid to me,

I mean,

Yeah the invisible spaghetti monster is out to get you, so let's all behave like animals...

I lost my Grammy to Covid-19,

And I'll tell you what, she might still be alive today!!!...

If it weren't for the medicalization of Covid sickness...

The covid plague...

What's the cure to Covid for poor whites like me?

A bottle of dayquil, sprite and campbell's soup...  and a lot of rest.

Common sense.

DDU.IDU 2023

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