Thursday, February 1, 2024

R.I.N.O. Donald Trump Courted the Labor Union Vote in Previous Elections: "VOTE NIKKI HALEY OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES"

 You know, there a lot of things that I disagree with Repub politicians about from time to time.  I call them R.I.N.O. sell-outs (It's an acronym for 'Republican In Name Only').  One of the things I disagree with them about is playing the "Immigrant" card.  As I've stated, it's not my issue as a Tea Partier.  Honestly I think they emphasize xenophobia because it plays to Democrats too.  I cannot, as an ardent Tea Partier, go along with that.


My "do not cross" line is when it comes to Trade Unions.

...And Donald Trump famously played to the Labor vote, to the point where it reeks of Mob corruption.  As an IRA guardsman, I simply cannot comport philosophically with crossing that line.  Organized Labor Unions are one hundred percent against what I stand for as a Tea Party Americanist.  It is simply communism, plain and simple.

...And I have to say, communism is- almost obviously -not exclusively left wing liberal.  There are communist and socialist christians.  There are marxist and maoist conservatives (though I don't think that qualifies as Republicanist).  Republicans who are part of ANY unionism are R.I.N.O. lame-tards.

My forefathers were noted Labor Line Breakers.  Before we allowed the permissive progressions of the 1960's and normalized "On the Waterfront" organized labor unionism, Trade Unions were- down the mainstream line -considered to be unacceptable to even exist.  Now we've got labor mafias telling us evangelical activists WE aren't acceptable to even exist.  It's the old unholy alliance of Catholicism with Multi-Culti agnosticism.  They sell this type of protestation as being "as American as Apple Pie", while the traditions of my Houghton line of the family were so ardently anti-union, that they- literally - would go to labor lines and beat them up with batons...

But no, this wasn't during the civil rights movement.  This was WAY before that.  When men were men, and dames were dames.  Organized Unions were considered to be communist.  And we would not tolerate it whatsoever.  We would break it.  We'd go to their labor lines, and physically "break" them.

So when I see Donald "Loser" Trump court the Union vote, I think that's essentially impermissible.

So vote Nikki Haley,

Because she represents REAL conservatism, not this new animalistic un-American fad.

Let's have a secure Grand Old Party.

Vote Tea Party, '24.


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