Saturday, February 10, 2024

Celebration Time is On!!! VOTE NIKKI HALEY OR DIE!!!

 Fucking ass fucker faggot R.I.N.O./D.I.N.O. motards are ruining our country.  It's time for us as U.S.A. Nationals to stand up and support the ONLY choice for U.S. POTUS - NIKKI HALEY.  Nikki Haley is the ONLY Republican who's appeared on and been endorsed by SNL righteously.  Do we want some dumb fucking oldtard, suffering mental incapacity from Type Three Diabetes?


Nikki Haley is the only nominee for the G.O.Party that makes any sense whatsoever for the hungry American publique.  These fagtarded p.o.s.'s are full of Crap.  A bunch of gaddamned Yank swine.  Will we willingly sell out Nikki Haley and buy -carte blanche- overwhelmingly biased media terrorism against United Methodists?  Will we?

The answer is Americans have become so beholden to their idols, that I would assume the low-I.Q. populous of numb-nutted so-called 'voters' will merely sign on the dotted line for fascist bullshit.  I'd complain, but I can't.  I'd rather just not vote.

One thing about the D.E.M. "movement" is they really tell popists...  I'm sorry, people, that their vote counts...  It doesn't.  No election has ever been won by an individual vote.  Don't get me wrong, I believe in individualism rather than collectivist "herd mentalism", however - American?

Your vote doesn't count.

Even the Military Press is commenting that with electronic voting, the likelihood of a fair and democratically sound election in 2024 is beyond idealistic.  Look at this goddamned farce of an electoral system we've been swindled by!

All of the complexity of a mass POTUS election in November, combined with the lack of accountability of modern technology.  God I'm scared.  The U.S. mass seems to be so conditioned into believing what they're "supposed to" by their lame stream media and Foxconn/Healthconn indoctrination.  It presumably is irrelevant to mention Biden's new "Dept. of Disinformation".  I mean, "Dept. of Disinfo"?

What could possibly go wrong?

Look at the state of the nation, with Unidentifiable Arial Phenomena causing TWO military flights -within a week of each other- to go down in flames after losing radar contact with dispatch.  This is, I mean it, foreign adversarial terrorism, plain and simple.  Don't think you're safe in your car, either.

Those damned G.P.S. trackers in your Cell-Phones can run your ass right off the road, and assassinate one without any detectability; a "cut-out" it's called.  Why?  How?


Our tech is so subverted by foreign adversarial terrorism it is simply despicable.  Why would you even own a cellular "Retard Phone" (Smart Phone?  hehehe, yeah right)?  I mean, they are so goddamned compromised it would seem disingenuous to proclaim any kind of Free Will, regardless of Biological Determinism or "Fate as Such" (which my GF believes in).

We are so subject to foreign tyranny, it is hard for many to accept.  These fucking "retard phones", sold to innocent civilian Americans at such inflated rates it should be considered monopolistic, are corrupt.  They are literally Paddy Piper  killing  "They Live" mind control devices, that we willingly go into debt for.

So called "Smart Phones"?

They, on average, cost over 800 dollars in U.S. currency.

Do you know how much a home phone costs?  About 25 buckaroonies.  It's a SHAM 69.

Flick your cell phone out the window if you want to live,

and Vote Nikki Haley or Die~


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