Thursday, October 6, 2022


"Trump Cutting the deficit by standing his ground...  the current DEBT of the USA to the globalist Hegemony nears 19 Trillion us dollar currency.  By shutting the government down, and- namely- cutting the pork barrel spending that is FOOD STAMPS, Senior el Trumpo is doing the most courageous stance on economic policy in the entirety of US history.  
Nobody has EVER said "Fuck the Fed" in such a distinctly nationalistic and decidedly paleo-conservative way that Trump is doing now with his bold stance to quote 'close the government down for as long as it takes'."

Food stamps.

They may be suspended under the gov'ment shutdown.

Anarchy, chaos and revelry in the non-existence of the Fed aside...

The most salient effect of this gov'ment shutdown is the potential cease of food stamp payments.

Military vets will remain paid, as the shutdown is merely partial...

But food stamps, one of the most bloated, expensive and morally bankrupt social programs in the good ole USA may be stopped!  My conscience knows that this is one of the most effective ways of what the Grand Ole' Party has always proclaimed...  quote "cutting taxes"!

I say suspend the food stamp program!
Good riddance!

I've seen first hand on the streets just how bloated full of inequity the food stamp program really is.

People using food stamps to subsidize drug abuse disorder.

Poor people with children selling subsidized food stamp dollars for cash, booze and god knows what else.

Paying for food via some kind of federal welfare program effectively turns our country into a quasi communist third world country like Cuba or something!  I mean, FOR CHRIST SAKES, IF YR POOR BUY YR OWN FUCKING FOOD!  WHY THE FUCK DO TAXPAYERS HAVE TO SUBSIDIZE OBESITY!

Let's shut down the fed until 2024.
Audit the Fed...

And use the funds we get from getting rid of useless federal pork barrel spending for services no one needs and start getting goddamned fucking realistic about this debt our country is in...

19 Trillion bucks in debt, we are!

Fuck medicaid, fuck medicare, fuck welfare, fuck the smithsonian, fuck the needless national park imperialistic clutch on our countries greatest national treasures, and fuck the secret services.

Let's just get rid of the fed and do it state and local funding from now on!

Maybe we could actually manage this outrageous debt then!

I say, Trump is the Master due to the "Art of the Deal".

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