Friday, August 27, 2021

Times Such as These

 I honestly don't know what to write,

but as I've a compunction for deleteriously delineating narrative,

I thought a short poem was in order:


I've always wondered

what heroism means

now I've found it

in the Afghanistan streets

What does it mean

Dreaming of the United States

Meanwhile in the homeland

Spurious debates

comb over and over

much layed out land

the singed hellscape

of Afghanistan

I don't mean to

demean the dead

but sometimes I wonder

why so much blood runs red

Our holy 13

Let us recall

left our homeland

and lost it all

Save their mission

Becomes our own

Our private Speach

at home alone

While fire descends

in distant lands

Our noble heroes

still doth command

the respect of our brethren

our sistren in struggle

I'm merely hoping

for no more trouble

Our heroes in uniform

are heroic till the end

They deserve credence

and punk rock cred

To the friends of the fallen

and the families who hold dear

I hope all of us

can rapturously appear

in times such as these

and care for our kind

and care for our kin

while in this time

to care for others

who yearn for peace

is our christian nation

down on our knees

prayer for justice

praying for the elect

so much to happen

no one can predict

and not our own failings

or one's of our wealth

in a nation
who truly needs our help

Give me a choice

b-twixt here and now

or a future of all of us

Being renowned

by histr'y and wit

by time and by us

by putting our faith

in the Jah we all trust

by hoping

and praying

for the best in these times

and giving our all

in the hope of sublime

peace at the foot

and justice at the helm

a time for their heaven

a time for our hell

a chance to give in

to the fates that we trust

a chance to help others

is surely a must

but what do we wager

ben'fits a fellow

when we are all a stranger

to the strings of the cello

and what but tidings

can mankin'ds two cents

mean to a country

who needs recompense

I don't know

what it all means

in this here old world

this hill of beans

but what I will say

is strive for the root

of our honor and duty

why we do what we do

and beg not for tithings

the holy are bless'd

beg for peace here

in peace they will rest

we're all foreigners

with no place like home

open hearted darkness

where the buffalos roam

I don't know where

to find the one Jah

except for in songs

of praise for our God

what can we do

what can we say

Why can't we weep

for the dead today

why do we care

Why do we try

Why are kids scared

about how they'll die

this lone earth

is a rancorous scourge

amidst this whole plague

amidst the spring's purge

I can never answer

the questions I'm asked

because I haven't got scruples

All I have are alaks

So why must we trifle

with matters of death

when all we know here

is that we're abreast

A bitter cup of cunning

yet left for the guile

leaning on Jesus

all of the while

Care to proffer

a smile for your other

and scoff at the scoffer

who would kill his own brother

Our way is a way

that's noted in scripture


a biblical fixture

so while we regale

in our fervor in wine

let's al' o' us

take our dearest tyme

and bless our sisters

and all of the kids

and all the Afghanies

out there in the skids

I guess it's a farce

I guess it's tragic

that the woes and our pain

is how we shall have it

the suff'ring of us

of them and ourselves

guess we all just need

more sacrifice to the elves

and if I can say

with clarity unduly

that when the worlds tragedy

becomes too unruly

let all of us

be in Christ's grace

and get our boys home

at a fast pace

it can't be faster

than we can at our peak

but let's hope a rootbeer snake

in the grass doth not sneak

I like beer

it makes me a jolly good fellow

I like beer

it helps me unwind

and sometimes it makes me feel mellow

...maaaakkkkeeessss hiiiiimmmmm feeeeeeelllll meeelllloooowwww!

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