Friday, August 18, 2017

What You Need to Know About Race: On "Racial Threat"

During these exacerbated racially tense times, with all eyes on the terrorist alt-right, we need to remember a little bit of - and yes I'm terribly gouache to take it here - psycho-sociological theory.

The little term "Racial Threat".

No, I don't mean a threat directed against a person of different racial orientation as you might suppose...
Racial threat is a term used to signify when a person, through stigmatization, prejudicial behavior and plain ole' ignorance, views a white as being quote "racist" without that judgement authentically reflecting on the subjects real beliefs and morals.

Or... "reverse racism" (the much maligned term)

Honestly, they should be teaching this to high schoolers!

But let's digress for a moment, as I hate this kind of coffee table pop theory...

Let's allow my good friend and fellow politalk blogger RT Stillwell tell a little story about the real way southerners view the KKK:

"Back in the 1920's here in Chatham Country (where I'm from) the KKK was the law.  They did what they wanted, and most of the times the police looked the other way...  they had an... understanding.
That is, we - the KKK - hang the african-americans who commit crimes we deem death worthy and you - that is - the police look the other way.
That was mainstream culture back then and it had a way of working in some sense...
Many blacks who were hanged by the KKK were relatively newly emancipated slaves with little education.  Due to their savage nature at the time, many of them did - in fact - murder or rape white women.
But this is beside the point...
This understanding came to a major culture shifting (around here) halt after one incident that you may be want to find in the mainstream retelling of the sordid history of southern violence.
One day, the KKK rallied around that courthouse right downtown (you can visit it at the center of pittsboro North Caroline [GO HEELS]), and they decided to "string up a niggra".
The law enforcement officers that night decided not to look the other way, and tried to put a stop to the mob violence...
These KKK thugs killed two white police officers who where standing in their way!
Ever since then, at least in Chatham County, North Carolina- around 80 percent of average pick up driving rednecks (so called "rednecks") absolutely HATE the KKK and everything they did and standfore!
The End.

So with this bit of american history (X), we can ascertain that the anti-fascist domestic terrorists are simply ignorant, hateful wanna be punks with no understanding of or education in the social sciences like us.

In summation,

"Come on.  Admit it.  You like cowboys don't you"
DDU 2017

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