Monday, August 21, 2017

On Hegel's Infamous "Dialectic"

I've researched Hegel a fair amount online as I was reading his phenomenology a while back and as an IDM composer I noticed something rather interesting.
Every one of them, the talking head "experts", got Hegel's "Dialectic" %100 absolutely, unequivocally, objectively wrong.  Incorrect.

They spew this misbegotten oxen-like interpretation (misinformation) to anyone curious about G.W.F. Hegel, the most influential philosophe since Aristotle.

But I'm referring to this a little too singularly.

They actually misinterpret Hegel in a wonderful variety of ways; like a *R-WORD*ed double rainbow of ignorance.

This may seem a bold claim,
as these oxen often have tenure at prestigious universities!

But let's recall,
I said as an IDM composer I think I understand the genesis of fine art far more than academic oxen- and if you can't see the poetic aspects of Hegel's dialectic I'm afraid you just don't get it.

Recall, if you will, the various memes and contrite analysis you may have heard about Hegel's infamous "Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis" formula...

Now try, as hard as you can, to remember that what you heard or saw was - de facto - incorrect.

I assure you,
The only way to understand Hegel's dialectic is by way of Derrida's notion of "Authorship".

Hegel's trinity dialectic was merely the systematization of his "Authorship".

If Hegel at all interests you and you would like to understand him better than the academic oxen, see his "Phenomenology of Spirit":


Read it cover to cover...
You too can understand Hegel's philosophy!!!

Comes highly recommended.

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