Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Heroism in Houston: How Citizens Unite and Bring Democracy to Those in Need

Democracy, viewed in the light of academe at least, seems a very ethereal, almost philosophically removed concept in some sense.

But my foundation is called, Domestic Democracy United- so I have to say:

What we saw in Houston, TX and surrounding areas was truly an example of how ordinary everyday Americans create democracy through heroism, courage and little human grit.

Democracy is not some far off idea;
Democracy is citizens uniting to help one another with little or no heed of themselves.

We "create" a space for democracy!
And that is precisely what the citizens of Texas have done in joining together to save the lives of their compatriots after the devastatingly violent Hurricane Harvey.

Citizens banded together to rescue anyone they could.
They united around brotherly love and the Christian virtue of "love thy neighbor as thyself".

It's a story that bears telling...

When disaster strikes,
Mankinds affinity for cooperation and unification upon core principles comes, heroically, to the fore.  Men and women, risking their lives in murky water and storm conditions, have joined forces in Texas and are saving lives and trying to help in any way they can.  It's truly through this type of "activism" that patriots do good things for their fellow brethren and sistren in Christ.

The amount of courage amongst those helping to save lives in Houston is truly uncanny to the ultimate degree...
Stories of everyday citizens seeing someone trapped in the flood waters and risking their lives to rescue them.  Stories of journalists on the scene helping people trapped in their cars, all during a downpour from the worst Hurricane in recent memory- Hurricane Harvey.

These true stories of Heroism and Courage are the concrete facticity of the philosophy of Democracy;

and I urge anyone reading this to at least say a little prayer for the friends and families of the victims of Hurricane Harvey...


It'll do waaaaay more good than donating to the Red Cross.

They need manna right now...

They need your prayers.

RT 2017
Domestic Democracy United

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