Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Without lived pain and fear, there is no abrahamic faith

 Did you drive quietly & serenely?

We awoke in each other's eyes, 

Without wearing a stitch of clothing, 

Baby I should access the unconscious brokenhearted selfish ways of a Northern Ireland Evangelical...

And if I had to set aside the fact that you're broken hearted, hell, who knows where were your heart would be today. Maybe with me. 

I've noticed in my tenure as a Southland ballroom DJ on South Glenwood downtown Raleigh Wake county North carolina, how many times I've seen gentrification not be used properly! We really need to stand in support of the bucky's, and staying in support of industrializing and pushing out the the lesser wanted types and creating great towers of majesty in kingdoms for those who are betrothed into the dynasty you know and you know verification. I mean honest to goodness as soon as you let one of these sick f****** bums in the whole neighborhood goes to s***! I'm sick and tired of Latinos, with our question, and our acceptance of their understanding of Spanglish, English and with no understanding all everybody knows is that is the way of Jesus the way of Jesus is the way of Jesus and the way of Jesus aha is the way of Jesus oh ho is the way of Jesus haha yesterday today and forever the word of God Jesus proclaiming the almighty word of God into a jam cultures puddle! I believe in Jesus Christ The Almighty living God I know that Jesus Christ The Almighty living God is somewhere up there they came from a Tesla flight I don't know but Jesus Christ is up there somewhere and he sees you all voyeur, you see God has a different way of dealing with voyeurism. Is he lets everybody understand the irregularities of The human condition which, for a strict Freudian like Jehovah is making some sense that you aren't happy, with your butt sex, your butt to dick sex, your dick your mouth sex... your eyeball said sometimes people in Japan actually touch eyeballs I don't know but like really you know everybody out there is just endowed it's the sex cult. The whole thing is a f****** sex cult... it's like you know it's hard to like really, like say like, get your hands out of my pocket in there but like, honest to goodness like I've done it before!? How many people did not know that Jesus Christ died for their sins? How many people need to find out about Jesus Christ and the red letters in the New Testament Bible? Well what does it mean to have a red letter day? Let's say you're working on the other end of the wire or something, what does it mean to have a red letter day?  I think the answer is in the New Testament! The only thing you need to know is you do not have to be in Bible scholar or don't have to be super smart and understand every word cuz I tell you straight up the first entire part of the New testament, pronounce LOL!

ALThough you can't spell healthcare without enunciating he double hockey stick. But I look at this stuff and I say man this is really carte blanche you know a whole bunch of dung heap of stuff and of course most people are s*** eaters you know I said once they're two types of people s*** eaters and cannibal flesh eaters and they were like people who would just you know they refuse to kill their letters you know and they just all sit around and you know they say in medicine you can actually spoon feed feces with no deleterious effects and you get you know iron for me or whatever so I mean there's s*** eaters and there's cannibals I mean honestly I'd rather than just hop my ass up, but Jesus brought the girls to me! in the essential decency of the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant man! God and man at yale? How many who are thinking of writing I heart silent Simmons at any point into their esoterica no I would doubt it! They probably have more meaning and esotericism as a cultic sorcerer brigade of movement of people using sorcery wizardry psychic energy psychical energy and you know they really believe they can you know TV commercials you football you see my commercials on ABC and it's like really like it's just hilarious to think about it you know because it's just another TV show about nothing you know it's a TV show about reality television and some type of protracted movement ask manipulation which I fully agree with! But I have a lot of things that I can't say about DJ clip and the kappa beta 5 mantra of never leak or wet the bag leave that for the babies and indigent old, oh oh. I'm speaking to you through one way satellite, and I believe in the wrath of who Darth did I retired today kind of look like you nice you know nice and trim no no I'm sorry and he was called Vader you know it sounds like someone singing burial through stuff I guess but it's cool to see a dog canine actually lead more of an example for the rest of humanity in service then almost anybody who has to drive to work and social services office this dog mater? He just rides around and waits got somebody with his job? Those canines used in warfare do look cute right? They're not so cute when they start going into the bad guy, which I think is why you know in a Protestant Evangelical way canines are man's best friend. 


Anyway sorry for the tirade big it up

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