Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Creationism and Right to Life Theology

 Now I do not mean to breathe into a computer and outperform AI, but I have a little preacher woman who may or may not be in a sorority who believes primarily in the code and her value system as a sister of the cross. I do not want to breathe into my phone and cross the aisle to congratulate all of America on saying guess what whether right or left? You're a d******! America has left the borders of sanity for the far-reaching EXO terrain of infantilism idiocy and downright humorously retarded baseness. One of the main things about unidentified anomalous phenomena, or unidentified aerial phenomena, or unidentified flying objects? Is the idea that technology whether it is social engineering or the sciences as such, has gone from the purview of natural, to the perverse unnatural spirit of Gnostic idiocy. Creationism is, unless you're not born again truly, a common Sense reaction to the development of culture technology and civilization in the West. The idea that the word of God in the Old testament says the world was created 6,000 years ago is the idea that those who discount intellectual design from a higher Spirit or mind or the idea that God simply created us all 6,000 years ago is more and more relevant to what our world needs to systematize cognitism phenominalogically for the future. If we've gone on eons and eons, why are we doing a form of ritualism when it comes to modern warfare? It would seem if as psychology states, human beings capacity for getting along and coexisting is the reason for our development as a species, why oh why oh why are we still engaging in this bloodletting and violence? I heard Billy Graham say that America and even the world by many respects has what's called a suicide mentality. A suicide mentality, that's what he called it! I would say that the viewpoint is more or less giving up. It is much like the Postal Service LP, the first LP to feature emotional hardcore and techno rhythms. It was called Give Up.  People experience for whatever base brute reasons a nihilism that gives up on the sanctity of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Wee need for people who believe in the truth behind the ancient traditions of our forefathers to act now. The traditions of the American revolution are sound just and righteous. I say to you today let's have an American Revolution in 2024 by all spreading the message, Robert f Kennedy Jr...It's the right choice for candidate for the presidency. Robert f Kennedy Jr has a platform for revolution to reach the true foundational fundamentalist understanding of the American revolution and the spirit of the Federalist papers. Robert f Kennedy Jr is the only candidate worth voting for.  Thee true fact that at this point even is parodic. Trump himself is a creature from the Black lagoon. If you want to talk swamps I'd definitely talk to a golfer! So at this point in human history we have human kind living as God's creations in a universe that was created 6,000 years ago. A lot of people like to make light of this and say this is a form of retardation or idiocy. As a matter of fact radio carbon dating is so flawed that it's laughable to think these idolaters at all capable of any kind of scientific curiosity and career thought. They all just suck this bullmess down their universalist multicultural worldview in a feeding tube. Everybody knows that God created the earth, right well in that he also created the universe! He also created subatomic particles! He also created animal life, plant life, and a form of entity that's not animal technically. 

That entity is us! You and me here in the usa, United States of america. God created you! We have to accept that we are not God himself! The more people purport to be a living God theirselves, the more in the depths of sin and judgment for our entire country are pressing and salient! Much of mankind has the base sin of the Antichrist! What is an antichrist you ask? It was put best by author Thomas Hobbes in his devious book Leviathan. He once said that the definition of an antichrist is somebody who proclaims themselves to be the Christ! I hate to tell you friend and I hope you do not backlash any in this solemn reputable confession, but I was held under lock and key for over 7 weeks and during that time I heard a rhino Republican describe himself as the Christ. To me this is a sign of American degeneracy which we may never recover from! These little trumpists bouncing and bubbling around on marijuana in almost every case having these rash issues with unintelligent egotism and pathology! That is why I say make the switch to RFK jr! He's the right candidate at the right time! I'm not saying that this endorsement I've done of RFK Jr is anything but a crash attempt to influence small numbers of voters in a republican grand old party drive to win in 2024! But wow! Look at how many lemmings believe themselves to be the creator of the universe! How is it that people who have the mind-numbing incapacity for intellectual curiosity don't make well and don't do well on their drive for sex and attainment of beauty! I mean Jesus God when I was in that psych ward I met people set a Republican and others experiencing a neurosis the size of the empire State building when it came to their own hypocritical worldviews as non philosophical people! People who haven't studied philosophy in their spare time for long periods of time seem to stand below and in guilty suffering of philosophical judgment on their intellectual vacuity. The fact that this beautiful land has been overtaken by Babel is disorienting for any rational descendant of Adam and Eve. What we need to do is change the world by changing everybody's worldview to be in favor of creationism. I actually do not believe in intelligent design. I think it stands very little chance that an Intel intelligence had anything to do with our creation! I mean how could it be that intelligence created mankind? I believe more on the sleeve of creationism! God created us! You could say that's different than designing Us in several ways! But all I will say is this, one thing you can do to stave off the ill effects of the end times and inevitable apocalypse, that apparently is not world war 3, if you can remember to tune in to pilot off every other day and I will be bringing you guys live updates from the street!

Brendan hooker O'Connell

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