Friday, June 17, 2022

On Gay Pride Month: "Bisexuality is Unnatural"

 I have seen,


The deleterious effects of Bi Sexuality.

Our Sisters, Mothers and Daughters are bi-sexing the fuck out,

and that shit is ABOMINABLE!

Why should we even have faggot pride month?

Maybe it's as Lindsey Graham said,

"We welcome Bruce Jenner to the G.O.P."

What are you,

a scum fucking R.I.N.O.?

Fuck the Alt-Right Pro-Fag movement...


I cannot believe my eyes....

Why can the federal gov'ment legalize pederasty adoptions,

yet still - as Democract stooges - keep the drugs for theirselves?

Fuck "Gay Pride Month"....  It's an ABOMINATION.

I've seen the bi sex trend firsthand on college and high school campii...

It's sick...

I mean, we gotta be proud to be homo tolerant?

...and tbh,

Gay Pride Month makes the USA look bad.

I mean, yeah let's all be inclusive of gaymo bi sexuals...

It's a disease.

Freud said,

"Bisexuality. Transgenderism, homosexuality are pathology."

I agree....

At what point are we going to acknowledge that this shit is wrong?

Fuck this fucking LGTB shit - It's the gaymozation of America.

I for one,

can't stand it....

Faggot/Sodomite/Pussy Sucker Pride month?

Is not pride a sin?

We've got 'gay pride' running rampant in our country!

How does that make us look to the world?

Participating in bisexuality is a SATANIC RITUAL.




Fucking trash,

in a trash heap that's only getting trashier!

I say,

burn the gay battybwoy deh!

Allowing them to adopt,

while I can't even get legal ganja/sensi/weed?

Stats show that bisexual/homosexual adoptive parents molest their own adopted children at far higher rates than others!

If my daughter had been connived into bisexuality,

I would literally blow my brains out...

Fuck this whole - "Oh it's natural" ethic.

There are, according to Aristotle,

two catagories of morality - "Natural" and "Unnatural".

What about this pride month is natural?

Not a goddamned thing, that's what!

Let's all march against Russia and their Communist country.


Homosexuality is unnatural.

Bisexuality is unnatural.

Transgenders - Like "BUFFALO BILL" (i.e. Silence of the Lambs) are unnatural.

Gay pride month?


I'm ashamed at their perverted Pride!

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