Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Future of America

O'Biden wants to change everything, yet does nothing... I mean, who voted for Biden? I know I didn't... Didn't he defraud us in the election? Or did he? I'm just asking questions... I don't know why they want to change our country, or what they want to change it into. 
Probably a utopian socialist dunghole!

All I know is that the Biden REGIME won't stop until they legalize white sex slavery... or will 'they'? 

Face it, 
Biden is a lackey full of malarcky, this country has finally transformed into a socialist uberland where no one is free. Why does biden care so much about the pope in rome and popery? 
Or does he? 
I don't know why the socialist cabal wants to undermine our democracy, or where how what or who... But I know that Biden supports white human traffiking, or does he? 
...or am I?
biden is behind all of the corruption in china... he was documented as colluding with china, or was he? I'm just asking questions. 
And becaUSE I ask questions I come under scrutenies... 
Why? I don't know, maybe Biden does! 
He willingly oppressed the lumbi indians, 
...or did he? 
All I know is I'm wondering what everyone else is... WHAT HAPPENED TO MY COUNTRY! It is time for that slut loving dirty Irish spy for rome ...
...who wants to kill us all, and the gentle sea and forest creatures to go back to canada... 
He wants to pull a brazilian wax on our childrens butt reforms... 

Biden, If you've got nothing to hide Then why don't you come clean about bob woodward and what\ he... exposed about that socialist fascist Milley... 

Or will he?
I'm just asking questions...

 Why is Biden such a socialist loving China lover? 
or is he?
I'm just asking questions...
How many Afghanistan lives are worth his socialism? Why is biden in the pay of the pope not AN antichrist?' Is he a slut for rome, or is he? 


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