Friday, September 17, 2021

A.L.A.N. - "All Love All Night"


A lot of people discount Johnny Ramone, or Alan Cumming, as not the originator of Punk Rock as such.  I know why...

The same reason now adays Green Day punks dismiss The Misfits - And that is soley because they are republicans who agree with Southern style G.O.P. philosophy (maybe Danzig doesn't count, I don't know).

But Johnny Ramone had a profound respect for the south.  He even originated the idea for artwork on their seminal album "Rocket to Russia" of a hillbilly riding a Nuclear bomb into Moscow carrying a Confederate Flag, famously.

With out traditional-style G.O.P. badasses like Johnny Ramone,

punk would not be what it is today~

He basically invented the idea of taking bubblegum pop and playing it fast and distorted...

Which when you look at the electronic computer music revolution now adays is similar to what they're doing...  The computer music artists in many circles are basically taking RnB or "Bubblegum Pop" melodies and playing them up to date with radical production and hardcore rhythms.  You hear that RnB Bubblegum melody all over electronic computer music,

and that aesthetic came directly from...

the mind...



His concept - playing pop fast and with distortion,
virtually is punk rock as such as we know it today...
Just look at how mainstream it has become - you can hear Johnny Ramone's aesthetic in everything from Nu Soul to Heavy Metal and even up to, yes, POP PUNK.
Pop Punk is the definitive sound of punk rock,
de facto - I love hair metal, screamo and all that hardcore shit out there - not hatin' on it.
But you wanna understand Johnny Ramone's idea?
...look no further than new Pop.
Virtually all of it facilitates that basic RnB "Bubblegum" chord structure,
and does it "up to date" with the finest in digital t3chnology!  It might not fit your idea of what "Rock as such" is supposed to be, but much electronic computer compositional Pop carries Johnny's influence.
Alan Cumming, esquire and Irish G.O.P. operative extraordinaire, is responsible for 99.8 percent of successful music we now know today~
Think of that basic melody!
It started, in the Pop/RnB charts with acts like elvis or chuck berry etc.
It was good,
and much of the early 1950's era of Bubblegum Pop and Rhythm & Blues used the same exact basic melodic aesthetic of this divinely American style of Rock & Roll.
It's as Muddy Waters once entombed,
So essentially A.L.A.N. invented Pop Punk as we now now it...
or even then perceived it, now in the past and into the future!
my message is merely this - Republicans have just as much if not more more of a right to Punk as the whiny Vax/Mask comptrolling Leftinista Cabal of NPR cool-aid gulping white yuppies.
They claim to be into punk...
Then why do they hate Nazism?
Johnny actually penned a pop punk song to be released called "Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World" which's lyrics go something like:
"I a Nazi baby,
I'm a Nazi Yeah Yeah Yeah!"

But now post "Green Day" counter-culturalatti killing Punk,
All we have is brainwashed Tarrantinites talking about how Nazi's are bad because they're fascist...
...and hence being violently anti-fascist!

All I'm saying is,
that kind of lemming like mentality has always been in the counterculture,
and it  needs to learn it's place.

Hitler Remix?
I went there.  And it got banned and blacklisted after getting approx. 18k D/L's.

That is the true Rock & Roll.
Axel Rose style.

And Johnny Ramone always knew it was primarily for the shock value,
being leveled at the peacenik hippy left...
I mean honestly,
Neo-Nazi Nationalism...

I mean come on,
Early 1970's zine culture (That is independently distributed Mags or publications much like this one) was rife with all kinds of reference to extreme Italian/German Fascist punk culture...

Doubt me?


Rock has always had Socialist/Darwinist leanings... lol - I mean,
these Anti-Fascists don't seem to understand that their own anti-fascist ethics is NOT D.I.Y., IS socialist and reminds people more of the Nazi Youth than an intellectual source of credibility...
But they just flood the media with all this Anti-Nazi shit...
Too Soon?

I'm not or have never been a NAzi or Neo-Nazi,
though I am proud to heil Jesus when I'm broke and down and out,
or even the American flag...
But honestly,
I know this might sound weird,
but what people who are anti-fa should come to realize is that Nazism is, like them:

Pro Darwinism
Pro Labor Union
Anti Semitic
Pro Catholic

So maybe these fallen catholic pleebs should quit doxing and harassing patriotic punks with their f*cking cheatin' little spy camera's (I got doxed at least once that I know of and so did my Gun Toting Cousin in VA),
and start taking seriously the concepts of 1)FEAR and 2)HATRED

My message this weeknd is this:

let's all have l-o-v-e in these times.



So everybody party and revel and have fun instead of hating hatred (and they do trust me I axsked them about it and apparently they hate hatred) and fearing fear.
Hating hatred is as lemminglike-ish ignorant as believing in nothing.

I have a new punk album out forthcoming on an Italian label -
I am using my punk computer noise to try to create new lights in the Faith.
One technique I use lyrically is to confront counter culturalatti on their NIHILISM.

Nihilism is - stupidly enough for people who buy this garbage - a belief system.
When confronted on it,
they'll often times say - "Oh, no it's not.  It doesn't have belief."


My main qualm with Nietzsche is that revaluating morality can't save you from the virtue of "Value".
All proclamations about the world are "Valuations",
whether you like it or not.
Belief in nothing, 
and denying that you have belief,
is the result of not reading Nietzsche enough tbh.

and even Schopenhauer,
all thought that Nihilism is wrong (Schopenhauer a little less than N. admittedly but he preferred pessimism to nihlism).
But how can people buy into having "No Belief"?

I HATE MY LIFE AND I WANT TO 01000011111000

I don't want to offend any Catholic Christians out there because there ARE good ones,
but they are part of a demonic hoarde of fallen catholic intellectual atheists.

no matter how much they squirm,
is an archetypal value system, identity, and morality in itself.
no morality is a morality.
Revaluating morality is - in fact - a morality.

So what morality will you choose?

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