Friday, June 26, 2020

General Flynn Exonerated: DDU Politalk Exclusive

Domestic Democracy United 2020 Exclusive

So I'm assuming unless people have been hiding under a rock the past several days that we've all seen that General Flynn, who actually pled guilty to lying to the FBI, has been cleared of all charges...
and not even via pardon from Trump as I would have expected!
I mean,
this is a great victory for the justice of our Law in this land.
A man who actually didn't even try to hide what he did, was cleared of all charges against him, and now stands fully exonerated, redeemed and free from the persecution he's faced for the past year or so.

We would think,
if a man pleads guilty to a crime,
then - case over - he's guilty.
But in fact,
as one of the attributes of American Law,
he probably was granted as much leniency as he was for being forthright with investigators.

General Flynn, one of the most decorated former officers in Trump's Whitehouse, now stands as completely redeemed, so to speak.  This, in-itself (kidding), shows me and others who found the treatment of a war hero like Flynn completely reprehensible that people who don't deserve to be punished won't be.  Flynn was, so I hear, financially ruined by this court proceeding and character assassination.  That is really a damned shame as there seems to have been no reason to charge him and as such impugn his character - not to mention putting a war hero in jail!

I think he really deserves redress through a counter suit (probably not possible in Federal court), but even more than that we have to see this victory of enumerated justice in the U.S.A. as clear proof that the Deep State Democrats have gone off the rails.
This whole Russia witch hunt that consumed the media for years at a time has been completely debunked and now we see, as per the universal princepe of Liberty, General Flynn's charges against him dismissed by the judge in the case...

I think all of us Repubs knew that the treatment Flynn got by the Deep State instigators was wholly unjust, right?
Well now, after years of silence regarding the issue, General Flynn has been redeemed by our mechanisms of Law and Order.  I think that is cause for celebration...

I mean, he pled guilty!
...and they dismissed the case!

That is true American Honor,
the kind of honor that only citizens of the U.S. of A. know through service.

So my guess is,
that the Deep State operatives in government, for example John Bolton and ilk, are being weeded out and told in that classic line from The Apprentice: You're Fired!

What I would recommend for any intel out there looking curiously at my blog is this (and for Law Enforcement especially):

Joseph McCarthy, in the 1950's, discovered over 75 soviet spies working inside American gov'ment.
I brought this up to a doctor of medicine, and even this near genius doctor had still believed the lies that really Joseph McCarthy was a monster and the discovery of soviet spies by McCarthy wasn't factual.
I was surprised!
I mean what are they teaching about McCarthy in academia?

I think it's time for all of us patriots to look into the commie agents in the Deep State's potential ties to soviet Marxism or even Maoist communism.  It really is a serious problem.

In CIA documents that I've discovered another Irish patriot named Fitzpatrick testified to congress, in the early sixties, that they had discovered via communist pamphlets seized in Europe that one of the communists goals is to infiltrate the Free World Police's organizations covertly and report on the activities of Law Enforcement to the communist party.  Further, it states in the pamphlet that:
"The more effective the police force the more necessary it is for the communists to infiltrate and disrupt it."

That means all of our homeland security, military and other intel and law enforcement agencies are the #1 target of the Deep State.  

I think that becomes rather obvious when you look at the mistreatment of General Flynn at the hands of his detractors...

I would like to request two things:

1) Get Flynn as a talking head on CNN or as a Fox News contributor or something so he can earn some cash to rebound from the financial ruin that this joke of a trial caused.

2) Use co-intel pro style tactics to root out all the Marxist spies and try them under our anti-conspiracy laws.

That's all a slovenly dirty Irish mick like myself could hope for.

DDU 2020

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