Tuesday, June 16, 2020

"United... for the Healing of the Nation" DDU2020 Exclusive

I'm reminded as I type this of the fact that what are known as "plagues" have historically existed before the pandemic we face now.  The "plague" of Covid-19 is surely a horrendous one...  We surely have passed a melancholic milestone now that the death total is above 100,000 here in the US.

So now,
let's look to the future!

Let's all help out and lend a hand in the healing of the nations.
Let's pray for healing.
Let's all give a little.
Let's heal each other,
in a time of despair.

That's my message today,
we need to have hope - democrat or republican - that we can get this pandemic behind us and re-open America.

Let's stand united.

My superPAC DDU (Domestic Democracy United) has been operating since 2010, so as we breach the milestone of ten years of politalk,
I'd like to note several facts about the effects of my writing in this blog.

I've been blacklisted,
I've had communists surveil my page so as to attack me,
I've been attacked online for standing up for police and law,

but the number one effect I think my authorship has had is in promoting a distinctly brilliant Irish Anglo-Saxon Protestantism.

So remember,
prayer really works,
and lets let our works do the work of JESUS~


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