Friday, July 10, 2020

I'll Tell You Why to Vote Trump: "He's a Dove!"

who is currently going down in the history books as one of the most controversial POTUS's since Andrew Jackson,
is a dove.
Honestly, you know he is.
In terms of Foreign Policy he is an isolationist and said on the campaign trail: "I don't do nation building".
He got our troops out of Syria while the wanna-be hawkish D.E.M.'s war mongered about the situation...

And further,
let's look at exactly how vindictive this POTUS has been compared to previous presidents of the U.S.

I know,
under Obama,
as a repub,
I got several traffic tickets, two DWI's and probably about 4 or 5 tickets for possession of marijuana under a half ounce.

Under Obama, who took the Hawkish route when it came to overseas Drone strikes,
I suffered under the hand of the law, far more than was just.
I got my tickets either going to shows that I was DJing at or attending concerts while possessing weed.

My DWI's both occurred whilst coming back from DJ gigs,
and I think Obama was far more Globalistic when it came to enforcing harsh tactics.
Under Eric Holder,
they basically tried to destroy my life for speaking out on this blog, POLITALK...

How many speeding tickets have I gotten under Trump?
How many DWI's have I gotten under Trump?
How many tickets for weed possession have I gotten under Trump?

So let's look at who the hawks and doves are in the room.

Do we really want interventionists like Biden and Clinton as Executor?

The 'merican public will vote with 'tegridy,
and stand firmly in support of Trump.

I guarantee it.

Look at how Doveish Trump is, in fact...

He doesn't support the WTO, NAFTA or the WHO.
He is against needlessly risking our Troops lives in war, and decided against engaging with Iran when tensions were at their tightest.
He signed an executive order banning chokeholds-as-such, and made it part of all of our American Free World Police procedure with the stroke of a pen,
and he has said again and again,
"I don't believe in nation building."

So if you're a DEM,
and yr wondering who is the real Dove and who are the real War mongers?

I'd answer Trump is the former and the D.E.M. establishment is the latter...


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