Thursday, April 30, 2020

Trump Does Service to "Animal Rights": Executive Order Supports the Farmers

Hi ya'll.

Before I start this tirade I'd like to note that while I live Downtown Chatham Co.,
I live merely feet from a fully functional Cattle Farm.
It's one of the true charms of Pittsboro, the county seat, that we can drive by a scenic farmscape with real cattle being raised for the meat market grazing, and I'd suppose from time to time, "Mooing".

Everytime I drive by this Farm,
I think about how Farmers have a hard shrift in the modern economy...
Generally the farmers toil away and make a meager amount compared to the merchants who purchase and process the cattle.

So Trump, with his national directive ordering meat processing plants to stay open to protect the macro-logic food supply, is not only standing by his base, he is doing a profound service in "Animal Rights".

This may seem counter-intuitive to the PETA hippie set,
but I heard that livestock not processed into the plants to create food for consumers, without this profound initiative of Federal Executive order (Trump doesn't use these powers lightly), would simply be euthanized and thrown into a fire pit or what have you...

That outcome to this quagmire would truly be a rather massive slaughter of real Animals,
and I think constitutes one of the real potential tragedies of this Pandemic.

Trump has put this entire catastrophe into perspective,
and with his order that manufacturing plants stay open (A very strong thing for a POTUS to do),
does a service to the Farmers across the U.S. o' A.

Not only that,
he's holding these massive meat packing plants accountable.

The farmers aren't necessarily corporations per say,
but these packing plants are Mutli-Trillion dollar corporations...

I guess my previous identity as a lib leaning Dem lingers still...

But who matters more,
A massive meat packing company who takes the profit from livestock and returns it back to the home of the Corporation...
Or hardworking Agrarian whites doing justice to the State and Local economies?

So let's all support Trump,
Support the Farmers,
And remember that Trump truly does care about justice for Animals.

Brendan O'Connell Domestic Democracy United 2020

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