Sunday, April 19, 2020

Re-Open America: KAG Revolution Cast's Doubt on Lamestream Media

I'd like to comment briefly on the current "Re-Open America" grassroots movement coalescing across the U.S.A.

I agree with them 100 percent,
And I think those out there not completely digesting the Lamestream "Fail Safe Apparatus'" should find this quasi-Tea Party movement inspiriting.

I don't have all that much more to say than that,
but in my estimation,
The protesters are right!

Let's get all this behind us and leave it in the past!

The only way forward is to be vigilant and quit the B.S.

We know this is overhyped...

over 40 thousand deaths is tragic to the utmost.
I once said that even a single loss of life is a "quantifiable loss of life",
and I think the present youths and young adults of America will look on this period in history as I personally think about the horror on 9/11.

I feel for them.

What should we do?

I say stand up against tyranny,
and tell our governors all around the U.S.,
"Re-Open America"

RT Domestic Democracy United 2020

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