Friday, June 7, 2019

Extremist Liberal Pathology: How the Brute Neurosis of the Left is Endangering Civilization

It really irks me sometimes;
The "all too human" vile and base nature of the majority of leftists and democrat stooges across the U.S., you know?

I mean look around you - leftist Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and now Gen Zers in America and yae their multi-culti ideological cohorts across the unenlightened "untermensch" left worldwide is - now as I type these words - causing the worst EXTREME breakdown of Western Civilization as we've known it since the Founders and Framers drafted the founding documents of the brightest beacon for mankind the world has ever known - America.

But it seems in the present age all I see personally in the enslaved left is psychologically reducible standard neurosis so extreme in some cases that it near amounts to quasi-criminal pathology!

It's like ~


We are 1) at war and 2) STILL in a state of emergency (a claim I debated with a communist dullard and I verified his incorrect feeling of security was false) and 3) facing a cultural meltdown primarily due to all of the lovely and expensive "Golden Calves" people fixate themselves with- again - to the detriment of civilization and 4) the threat of more and more murder due to the present geist's neurotic pathology.  It seems to me to be growing at a rate which could indicate almost a complete "Fall" of Western Civilization and it's peoples right to not suffer undue injustice at the hands of sycophants!~

People, I'd guess, don't need to worry about philosophical or theological responsibility and bring their commitment to Honor, Majesty and the Traditions of our forefathers and ancestors who are no doubt spinning in their graves at the young and old in the present age to the forefront of their conscience, right?

Why not just let Marxist consumerism take over the planet?
I for one am ready for them to simply sap and impurify the soul right out of real existence!

That to me seems to be the crux of the conspiracy theory side of my tin foil hat wearing rant here...

It's Marxism, or Communism or even Socialism that is really to blame for the moral degradation and degeneracy of humans of leftist thought and affiliation.  I.E. - Consumerism!

I was going on about the "Golden Calf" that it would seem is implanted into every godfearing member of the present age's skull (I mean look at it - I "Pad"s I "Pod"s etc.  It's "I"dolatry if you ask me), and I feel the overwhelming obsession with material possessions in our country is pretty simply explained by my idea that Marx's ideology (I refuse to call it philosophy proper), which is best known academically as "Dialectical Materialism", is turning all of the untermensches in my once great nation into SLAVES~

Just think of this for a moment-

G.W.F. Hegel had his oft misrepresented "Dialectic" (thesis, antithesis synthesis) basically STOLEN by this evil kike Marx-

Hegel believed that the one thing that gave his often paradoxical philosophical prose substance was how the "Dialectic" as such was unified by SPIRIT...
Or properly understood, the Christian conception of the SOUL...

Well this fucking bearded anti-christ Marx took the revolutionary aspects of Hegel's formulation and simply removed the most important unifying philosophical/theological aspect of the SPIRIT and replaced it with "Materialism".

Don't think about it too much, just follow me here-

I often go on in this blog about the malfeasances of the "Lamestream" media, and my main point is that the elite secret society "ubermensches" who run what we take a bath in every day - THE NEWS - are either die hard commies or quasi-socialist extremists... in all honesty, just look at the major subversion of society and yae western civilization that we see in the propaganda families and individuals are force fed every day...  Not just on T.V. though; on the Internet, on the Radio, in Academia and in the everyday conversations of the brainwashed "untermensch" common citizen of their country!

It's as though the hardcore communist ideology that is so prominent ever since the cultural revolution of the 60's (and trust me~ Those hippies really DID want full on REVOLUTION in 1968) is a great giant octopus-like entity that really DOES want to do what the main tenet of the communist party (as verified by documents seized in europe by the CIA) believes in at the deepest reaches of their souls (if they even have a soul anymore) which is:

A) Complete overthrow of Democracies worldwide, execution of White Nationalists and traditionalist patriots, and a "synthesis" of sorts where our founding fathers dream for America is replaced by a full on Communist Dictatorship.

I must admit,
It seems to be working and pretty voraciously effectively in my honest opinion.

What I don't think our wanna-be masters in the world of secret societies of power and influence really understand is that giving our media and other institutions over to Quasi-Marxist Socialists and such is - (my final point here) de facto - Endangering Civilization!

Not just in a theoretical sense;
I mean, all this communism/socialism in the lamestream media and it's oldschool "Prankster"-esque Modus Operandi is literally putting innocent civilians lives at risk...

I'll let you imagine the ways in which this could or probably will occur-

So I'll end this rant here- thanks for reading, because I value every single reader of Politalk who finds anything redemptive about my personal DDU politik~

I predict that we will - in the next several months or so - see a near 9/11 style terrorist attack.

The only people who can stop it are the individual citizens of the world community who believe in morality, ethics and yae GOD (something I can't say for Marxists)~
Yet it would seem that the majority of citizens in a position to take a stand for something righteous are simply sticking their head in the sand regarding just how viciously violent the real world can get...

...and I predict~

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