Monday, June 17, 2019

A Plea for Peace: "Let's All NOT Nuke Iran"

My Messiah, Jesus Christ, once proclaimed that if an enemy strike your cheek - proffer him the other cheek.

I think this bit of historical fact about the words of Christ should be followed in our foreign policy regarding Iran, and their deleterious intervention into our trade affairs in the Gulf of Oman...

I can truly tell that the American zeitgeist regarding relations with Iran are not only strained, but many people - whether vocally or not - are currently fixated with WW3 and war with the Iranian nation state.
I think it's a mistake.

Let's all remember that the MARXIST ISLAMISTS in the Iranian caliphate are not representative of the Iranian public.

Some of the hardcore islamist caliphate maybe, but the majority of Iran is not only a good peoples but civilized in the highest respect.  I've even heard of Iranian "heavy metal" bands, and I - for one - agree with many aspects of the overall religion of peace as well as their Holy Book, The Koran.

We should not appear war hungry as a populous,
yet it would seem everywhere the average American is confronted with the sin of wanting War as such.


Let's not give into such idle speculation,
especially amongst the civilian class...

TRUMP: "We don't want to 'hurt' Iran!"

I think his simple dialectic of democracy in the present age is right and true.

Obviously if Iran bombs Israel or something like that we will have no choice but to intervene.
But let's all in our own responsibility towards the mode of the present age decline from fear mongering or especially war mongering.

Generally the voices that call for the whole "NUKE THE MIDDLE EAST" narrative (and it is a 'narrative') are civilians who won't go overseas to fight or even have friends or family who would sacrifice their lives in a knock-down drag-out war such as would be between the U.S. and Iran.

I even have reporting on the ground from a former FBI operative who said this could potentially be the WW3 conflict between the U.S. and Europe vs. Russia and China played out in the middle east!
I hope that was just idle academic speculation!

I don't think anybody reasonable WANTS war with Iran...
Including the man Don Trump himself!

I think,
as opposed to Barack Obama's unmanned drone strike crusade,
That Trump's "We don't want to hurt Iran" position - while maybe not satisfying his hawkish Fox News fed base - is the right foreign policy for this matter of global import.  Seriously consider what nuking Iran would mean for innocent civilian casualties.  Seriously consider what an all out "Boots on the Ground" style war with Iran would mean for our young soldier elites in the middle east.

Trump is not a nation builder, as he stated on the campaign trail.  He does not, as Executor, want wanton death without purpose!

But let it be said...

If there IS a major bomb strike against Israel,

Domestic Democracy United 2019

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