Saturday, April 9, 2016

Open Air Preachers Shut Down By Collectivism

I'd like for politalk readers to view the above video with the following in mind....

We supposedly live in a free society, yet when the word of god is declared publicly, one finds our freedoms very much in jeopardy.  Not only are christian's silenced, but sometimes arrested, merely for speaking the gospel openly.
It's a dire shame.  The black lives matter protesters can get away with rioting, looting and shooting guns at police officers... but when a moral and sober christian decides to preach the gospel publicly, they are summarily shut down.  Why?
It wouldn't have anything to do with a radicalist multiculturalist POTUS being in charge?
....or would it.
Why are the teachings of the bible so offensive to the majority of our secular society?
Because in today's age of reality television and rampant consumerism (not to mention the overwhelming tides of raw sin American's are confronted with each day), Jesus stands as a kind of anti-thesis to our corrupt modern living.
Does someone who looks at porn really want to be told that what they're doing is wrong?
Does a homosexual really want to hear that the bible condemns their lifechoice?
Do the wealthy really want to hear about what the bible teaches about the rich?
Does a drunkard really want to admit that he is sinning against god?
Does a gambler really want to recognize that he's playing a devil's game?


Yet Open Air Preachers like the one's in the video above prove that when you take the message of scripture to the masses, you get immediately shut down.

What about freedom of speach and religion?

Have we just thrown all that out the window?


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