Monday, October 5, 2020

TRUMP: Heroic

 Our fair POTUS is engaged in, from what I can surmise, the most catastrophic cataclysmic convalescence of the entirety of today's post-deconstructionist present age.  He is, as per Hercules, "heroic".

I'm not asking you to vote for our fair repub Executor,

I'm asking you to register republican before it's too late!  They will free you from the bondage and servitude of collectivism.  Collectivism, as opposed to individualism, is - by definition - "totalitarian".  Take off the shackles of D.E.M. conformity and register republican Grand Ole' Party if you can!  Trump will free you!!!

Remember his inaugural speech where he lambasted the communist conspirators on the left and gave the sovereignty of our country, the US of A, back to the forgotten people across our fruited plain - 'merica!

As sovereign individuals in our home country, we have a distinct right to freedom, democracy, liberty and justice in our fair land.  Our sovereignty is guaranteed by the much maligned document of the Constitution, and yea- the DOI and Bill of Rights (not to mention the philosophy of the Federalist Papers).  Let's claim our land back from the lawless communist conspirators!  Let's emphatically say yes to freedom and our god given rights...

The rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Speaking of "rights to life" as enshrined by our founding documents, what about the unborn...

Are we to deny them their god given right to life?

I don't wish to go all Q ANON on ya'll,

but I will say this about the communist eugenicist conspirators in the deep state;

These planned parent hood heads of eugenics and abortion policy in Washington were actually documented by tea party patriot journalists as attempting to sell fetal body remnants to buyers on the black market...

Do these elites just drink their gin and masturbate to butt porn and fuck prostitutes while consuming the adrenochrome of hapless children?


With their deleterious actions during this conservative hit piece on Planned Parenthood,

I would say something in D.C. smells like rotten fish.  I mean honestly, what use would a potential buyer of aborted fetus's have with scrambled fetal flesh...  Stem cell research?

I doubt it.

Abortion is murder, de facto - period.

So the real deal of 'merica in the present time is not only Trump getting China Virus (not to mention springing back from illness like a champion), but also the very real possibility that we can get our Supreme Court nominee confirmed and onto the court of justices.  And if this happens, we could very well break the one way ratchet of liberalism and socialist idealism.

Socialists want a perfect utopia.


A utopia where people's right to choose allows the murder of innocent children?

That sounds more like a dystopia to me!

So, don't vote if you can't vote your conscience...

Register republican, if you're a democrat...

I'll tell you why, too!

When an individual signs on the dotted line of the G.O.P. as opposed to the D.E.M., they are given rights that our founding fathers died for - the right to:





Domestic Democracy United RT 2020

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